Name resolving

Most transfers libcurl can do involves a name that first needs to be
translated to an internet address. That’s “name resolving”. Using a numerical
IP address directly in the URL usually avoids the name resolve phase, but in
many cases it isn’t easy to manually replace the name with the IP address.

libcurl tries very hard to re-use an existing
rather than to create and connection a
new one. The function that checks for an existing connection to use is based
purely on the name and is performed before any name resolving is attempted.
That’s one of the reasons the re-use is so much faster. A transfer using a
reused connection will not resolve the host name again.

If no connection can be reused, libcurl resolves the host name to the set of
addresses it resolves to. Typically this means asking for both IPv4 and IPv6
addresses and there may be a whole set of those returned to libcurl. That set
of addresses is then tried until one works, or it returns failure.

An application can force libcurl to use only an IPv4 or IPv6 resolved address
by setting CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE to the preferred value. For example, ask to
only use IPv6 addresses:

  1. curl_easy_setopt(easy, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6);

Name resolver backends

libcurl can be built to do name resolves in at least three different ways and
depending on which backend way that was used, it gets a slightly different
feature set and sometimes modified behavior.

  1. The default backend is invoking the “normal” libc resolver functions in a
    new helper-thread, so that it can still do fine-grained timeouts if wanted and
    there will be no blocking calls involved.

  2. On older systems, libcurl uses the standard synchronous name resolver
    functions. They unfortunately make all transfers within a multi handle block
    during its operation and it is much harder to time out nicely.

  3. There’s also support for resolving with the c-ares third party library,
    which supports asynchronous name resolving without the use of threads. This
    scales better to huge number of parallel transfers but it isn’t always 100%
    compatible with the native name resolver functionality.


When a name has been resolved, the result will be put in libcurl’s in-memory
cache so that subsequent resolves of the same name will be near instant for as
long the name is kept in the DNS cache. By default, each entry is kept in the
cache for 60 seconds, but that value can be changed with

The DNS cache is kept within the easy handle when curl_easy_perform is used,
or within the multi handle when the multi interface is used. It can also be
made shared between multiple easy handles using the share

Custom addresses for hosts

Sometimes it is handy to provide “fake” addresses to real host names so that
libcurl will connect to a different address instead of one an actual name
resolve would suggest.

With the help of the
an application can pre-populate libcurl’s DNS cache with a custom address for
a given host name and port number.

To make libcurl connect to when on port 443 is
requested, an application can do:

  1. struct curl_slist *dns;
  2. dns = curl_slist_append(NULL, "");
  3. curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, dns);

Since this puts the “fake” address into the DNS cache, it will work even when
following redirects etc.

Name server options

For libcurl built to use c-ares, there’s a few options available that offer
fine-grained control of what DNS servers to use and how. This is limited to
c-ares build purely because these are powers that are not available when the
standard system calls for name name resolving are used.

  • With CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS, the application can select to use a set of
    dedicated DNS servers.

  • With CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE it can tell libcurl which network interface to speak
    DNS over instead of the default one.

  • With CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4 and CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6, the application
    can specify which specific network addresses to bind DNS resolves to.

Global DNS cache is bad

The is a deprecated option called CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE that when
enabled tells curl to use a global DNS cache. This cache has no locks and
stores data in a global context that then can be shared by all other easy
handles that also is set to use the global cache.

This option should only be used by legacy applications and you should work
on converting this over to using the share interface for sharing DNS cache the
“proper” way. This option will be removed in a future version.