git-mergetool - Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts


  1. git mergetool [--tool=<tool>] [-y | --[no-]prompt] [<file>…​]


Use git mergetool to run one of several merge utilities to resolvemerge conflicts. It is typically run after git merge.

If one or more <file> parameters are given, the merge tool program willbe run to resolve differences on each file (skipping those withoutconflicts). Specifying a directory will include all unresolved files inthat path. If no <file> names are specified, git mergetool will runthe merge tool program on every file with merge conflicts.


  • -t
  • —tool=
  • Use the merge resolution program specified by .Valid values include emerge, gvimdiff, kdiff3,meld, vimdiff, and tortoisemerge. Run git mergetool —tool-helpfor the list of valid settings.

If a merge resolution program is not specified, _git mergetool_will use the configuration variable merge.tool. If theconfiguration variable merge.tool is not set, _git mergetool_will pick a suitable default.

You can explicitly provide a full path to the tool by setting theconfiguration variable mergetool.<tool>.path. For example, youcan configure the absolute path to kdiff3 by settingmergetool.kdiff3.path. Otherwise, git mergetool assumes thetool is available in PATH.

Instead of running one of the known merge tool programs,git mergetool can be customized to run an alternative programby specifying the command line to invoke in a configurationvariable mergetool.<tool>.cmd.

When git mergetool is invoked with this tool (either through the-t or —tool option or the merge.tool configurationvariable) the configured command line will be invoked with $BASEset to the name of a temporary file containing the common base forthe merge, if available; $LOCAL set to the name of a temporaryfile containing the contents of the file on the current branch;$REMOTE set to the name of a temporary file containing thecontents of the file to be merged, and $MERGED set to the nameof the file to which the merge tool should write the result of themerge resolution.

If the custom merge tool correctly indicates the success of amerge resolution with its exit code, then the configurationvariable mergetool.<tool>.trustExitCode can be set to true.Otherwise, git mergetool will prompt the user to indicate thesuccess of the resolution after the custom tool has exited.

  • —tool-help
  • Print a list of merge tools that may be used with —tool.

  • -y

  • —no-prompt
  • Don’t prompt before each invocation of the merge resolutionprogram.This is the default if the merge resolution program isexplicitly specified with the —tool option or with themerge.tool configuration variable.

  • —prompt

  • Prompt before each invocation of the merge resolution programto give the user a chance to skip the path.

  • -g

  • —gui
  • When git-mergetool is invoked with the -g or —gui optionthe default merge tool will be read from the configuredmerge.guitool variable instead of merge.tool. Ifmerge.guitool is not set, we will fallback to the toolconfigured under merge.tool.

  • —no-gui

  • This overrides a previous -g or —gui setting and reads thedefault merge tool will be read from the configured merge.toolvariable.

  • -O

  • Process files in the order specified in the, which has one shell glob pattern per line.This overrides the diff.orderFile configuration variable(see git-config[1]). To cancel diff.orderFile,use -O/dev/null.


git mergetool creates *.orig backup files while resolving merges.These are safe to remove once a file has been merged and itsgit mergetool session has completed.

Setting the mergetool.keepBackup configuration variable to falsecauses git mergetool to automatically remove the backup as filesare successfully merged.


Part of the git[1] suite