GitLab CI/CD Examples


GitLab CI/CD Examples

该页面包含指向各种示例的链接,这些示例可以帮助您了解如何针对特定用例实现GitLab CI / CD .

示例有几种形式. 作为以下内容的集合:

CI/CD examples


用例 Resource
浏览器性能测试 Browser Performance Testing with the container.
负载性能测试 Load Performance Testing with the k6 container.
Clojure Test a Clojure application with GitLab CI/CD.
使用 Dpl 进行部署 Using dpl as deployment tool.
Elixir Testing a Phoenix application with GitLab CI/CD.
端到端测试 End-to-end testing with GitLab CI/CD and WebdriverIO.
Game development DevOps and Game Dev with GitLab CI/CD.
GitLab 页面 有关部署静态站点的完整示例,请参见GitLab Pages文档.
带有 Spring Boot 的 Java Deploy a Spring Boot application to Cloud Foundry with GitLab CI/CD.
Java 与 Maven How to deploy Maven projects to Artifactory with GitLab CI/CD.
PHP 与 PHPunit,Atoum Testing PHP projects.
PHP 与 NPM,SCP Running Composer and NPM scripts with deployment via SCP in GitLab CI/CD.
PHP 与 Laravel,Envoy Test and deploy Laravel applications with GitLab CI/CD and Envoy.
Heroku 上的 Python Test and deploy a Python application with GitLab CI/CD.
红宝石在 Heroku 上 Test and deploy a Ruby application with GitLab CI/CD.
Heroku 上的 Scala Test and deploy a Scala application to Heroku.
并行测试 Ruby 和 JS GitLab CI/CD parallel jobs testing for Ruby & JavaScript projects.
Vault 的秘密管理 Authenticating and Reading Secrets With Hashicorp Vault.

Contributing examples

欢迎捐款! 您可以通过发送合并请求和该语言的指南来帮助您最喜欢的编程语言用户和 GitLab.

CI/CD templates

使用.gitlab-ci.yml 模板开始使用 GitLab CI / CD 和您喜欢的编程语言或框架.


如果编程语言或框架模板不在此列表中,则可以提供一种. 要创建模板,请向提交合并请求.

Adding templates to your GitLab installation

您可以将自定义示例和模板添加到自我管理的 GitLab 实例. 您的 GitLab 管理员可以指定一个实例模板存储库 ,其中包含特定于您组织的示例和模板.

Other resources

本节提供更多资源,以帮助您熟悉 GitLab CI / CD 的各种用法. 请注意,较早的文章和视频可能无法反映最新的 GitLab 版本的状态.

CI/CD in the cloud

有关为基于云的环境设置 GitLab CI / CD 的示例,请参见:


Customer stories

有关使用 GitLab CI / CD 的一些客户体验,请参阅:

Getting started


Implementing GitLab CI/CD

有关其他已实施 GitLab CI / CD 的示例,请参见:

Migrating to GitLab from third-party CI tools

Integrating GitLab CI/CD with other systems

要查看如何将 GitLab CI / CD 与第三方系统集成,请参阅:

Mobile development

有关使用 GitLab CI / CD 进行移动应用程序开发的帮助,请参阅: