Test a Clojure application with GitLab CI/CD


注意:本文档最近未更新,可能已过期. 有关最新文档,请参见GitLab CI / CD页面和《 GitLab CI / CD 管道配置参考》 .

Test a Clojure application with GitLab CI/CD

本示例将指导您如何在 Clojure 应用程序上运行测试.

您可以查看或派生示例源,并查看其过去的CI 作业的日志.

Configure the project


  1. variables:
  2. POSTGRES_DB: sample-test
  3. DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://postgres@postgres:5432/sample-test"
  4. before_script:
  5. - apt-get update -y
  6. - apt-get install default-jre postgresql-client -y
  7. - wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein
  8. - chmod a+x lein
  9. - export LEIN_ROOT=1
  10. - PATH=$PATH:.
  11. - lein deps
  12. - lein migratus migrate
  13. test:
  14. script:
  15. - lein test

before_script ,我们安装了 JRE 和Leiningen .

