Basic Concepts and Workflow

The typical workflow in KiCad consists of two main tasks: drawing a schematic and laying out a circuit board.

The schematic is a symbolic representation of the circuit: which components are used and what connections are made between them. Schematic symbols are pictorial representations of electronic components in a schematic, such as a zigzag for a resistor or a triangle for an opamp. The schematic contains symbols for every component in the design, with wires connecting pins in the symbols. The schematic is typically drawn first, before laying out the circuit board.

Example Schematic

The board is the physical realization of the schematic, with component footprints positioned on the board and copper tracks making the connections described in the schematic. Footprints are a set of copper pads that match the pins on a physical component. When the board is manufactured and assembled, the component will be soldered onto its corresponding footprint on the circuit board.

Example Layout

KiCad has separate windows for drawing the schematic (“Schematic Editor”), laying out the board (“PCB Editor”), and editing symbols and footprints (“Symbol Editor” and “Footprint Editor”). KiCad comes with a large library of high quality, user contributed symbols and footprints, but it is also simple to create new symbols and footprints or modify existing symbols and footprints.

Example Symbol

Example Footprint

Finally, it is important to understand that KiCad has a project-based workflow. A KiCad project is a folder with a project file, a schematic, a board layout, and optionally other associated files such as symbol and footprint libraries, simulation data, purchasing information, etc. Many project-related settings, including net classes and design rules, are stored at the project level. Opening a board outside of its associated project may result in missing design information, so be sure to keep all files associated with a project together.

PCB Design Workflow

Typically, the schematic is drawn first. This means adding symbols to the schematic and drawing the connections between them. Custom symbols may need to be created if appropriate symbols are not already available. At this stage footprints are also selected for each component, with custom footprints created as necessary. When the schematic is complete and the design has passed an electrical rules check (ERC), the design information in the schematic is transferred to the board editor and layout begins.

The schematic describes which components are in the design and how they are connected; the board editor uses this information to make layout easier and to prevent mismatches between the schematic and PCB. The layout process requires careful placement of each footprint on the circuit board. After component placement, copper tracks are drawn between components based on the connections in the schematic as well as other electrical considerations, such as trace resistance, controlled impedance requirements, crosstalk, etc.

Often the schematic will need to be updated after layout has begun; the schematic changes can be easily pulled into the board design. The reverse can often happen: any design changes made in the board layout can be pushed back to the schematic to keep the two consistent.

When the board layout is complete and the board has passed the Design Rules Check (DRC), fabrication outputs are generated so that the board can be manufactured by a PCB fabricator.