Hashicorp Vault


Hashicorp Vault can be configured with environment variables or with a Vault entity.

Environment variables

  1. export KONG_VAULTS_HCV_PROTOCOL=<protocol(http|https)>
  2. export KONG_VAULTS_HCV_HOST=<hostname>
  3. export KONG_VAULTS_HCV_PORT=<portnumber>
  4. export KONG_VAULTS_HCV_MOUNT=<mountpoint>
  5. export KONG_VAULTS_HCV_KV=<v1|v2>
  6. export KONG_VAULTS_HCV_TOKEN=<tokenstring>

You can also store this information in an entity.


The Vault entity can only be used once the database is initialized. Secrets for values that are used before the database is initialized can’t make use of the Vaults entity.



  1. curl -i -X PUT http://<hostname>:8001/vaults-beta/my-hashicorp-vault \
  2. --data name="hcv" \
  3. --data description="Storing secrets in Hashicorp Vault" \
  4. --data config.protocol="https" \
  5. --data config.host="localhost" \
  6. --data config.port="8200" \
  7. --data config.mount="secret" \
  8. --data config.kv="v2" \
  9. --data config.token="<mytoken>"
  1. http PUT :8001/vaults-beta/my-hashicorp-vault \
  2. name="hcv" \
  3. description="Storing secrets in Hashicorp Vault" \
  4. config.protocol="https" \
  5. config.host="localhost" \
  6. config.port="8200" \
  7. config.mount="secret" \
  8. config.kv="v2" \
  9. config.token="<mytoken>" \
  10. -f


  1. {
  2. "config": {
  3. "host": "localhost",
  4. "kv": "v2",
  5. "mount": "vault",
  6. "port": 8200,
  7. "protocol": "https",
  8. "token": "<mytoken>"
  9. },
  10. "created_at": 1645008893,
  11. "description": "Storing secrets in Hashicorp Vault",
  12. "id": "0b43d867-05db-4bed-8aed-0fccb6667837",
  13. "name": "hcv",
  14. "prefix": "my-hashicorp-vault",
  15. "tags": null,
  16. "updated_at": 1645008893
  17. }


For example, let’s say you’ve configured a Hashicorp Vault with a path of secret/hello and a key=value pair of foo=world:

  1. vault kv put secret/hello foo=world
  2. Key Value
  3. --- -----
  4. created_time 2022-01-15T01:40:03.740833Z
  5. custom_metadata <nil>
  6. deletion_time n/a
  7. destroyed false
  8. version 1

Access these secrets like this:

  1. {vault://hcv/hello/foo}

Or if you configured an entity

  1. {vault://my-hashicorp-vault/hello/foo}