
Quickstarts include six hands-on lab exercises that help you quickly get started with KubeSphere. It is highly recommended that you go though all of these parts to explore the basic feature of KubeSphere.

All-in-one Installation on Linux

Learn how to install KubeSphere on Linux with a minimal installation package. The tutorial serves as a basic kick-starter for you to understand the container platform, paving the way for learning the following guides.

Minimal KubeSphere on Kubernetes

Learn how to install KubeSphere on existing Kubernetes clusters with a minimal installation package. Your Kubernetes clusters can be hosted on cloud or on-premises.

Create Workspace, Project, Account and Role

Understand how you can take advantage of multi-tenant system in KubeSphere for fine-grained access control at different levels.

Deploy Bookinfo and Manage Traffic

Explore KubeSphere service mesh by deploying Bookinfo and using different traffic management strategies, such as canary release.

Compose and Deploy Wordpress

Learn the entire process of deploying an example app in KubeSphere, including credential creation, volume creation, and component setting.

Enable Pluggable Components

Install pluggable components on the platform so that you can explore KubeSphere in an all-around way. Pluggable components can be enabled both before and after the installation.