Configure Booster for Installation

If you have trouble downloading images from, it is highly recommended that you configure a registry mirror (i.e. booster) beforehand to speed up downloads. You can refer to the official documentation of Docker or follow the steps below.

Get Booster URL

To configure the booster, you need a registry mirror address. See the following example to see how you can get a booster URL from Alibaba Cloud.

  1. Log in the console of Alibaba Cloud and enter “container registry” in the search bar. Click Container Registry in the drop-down list as below.


  1. Click Image Booster.


  1. You can find the Booster URL in the image below as well as the official guide from Alibaba Cloud to help you configure the booster.

Configure Booster for Installation - 图3

Set Registry Mirror

You can configure the Docker daemon directly or use KubeKey to set the configuration.

Configure the Docker daemon


Docker needs to be installed in advance for this method.

  1. Execute the following commands:
  1. sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker
  1. sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
  1. Add the registry-mirrors key and value to the file.
  1. {
  2. "registry-mirrors": ["https://<my-docker-mirror-host>"]
  3. }


Make sure you replace the address within the quotation mark above with your own Booster URL.

  1. Save the file and reload Docker by executing the following commands so that the change can take effect.
  1. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  1. sudo systemctl restart docker

Use KubeKey to set the registry mirror

  1. After you create a config-sample.yaml file with KubeKey before installation, navigate to registry in the file.
  1. registry:
  2. registryMirrors: [] # For users who need to speed up downloads
  3. insecureRegistries: [] # Set an address of insecure image registry. See
  4. privateRegistry: "" # Configure a private image registry for air-gapped installation (e.g. docker local registry or Harbor)
  1. Input the registry mirror address above and save the file. For more information about the installation process, see Multi-node Installation.


If you adopt all-in-one installation, refer to the first method because a config-sample.yaml file is not needed for this mode.