
  • Deploy Longhorn Components images to your own registry.
  • Deploy Kuberntes CSI driver components images to your own registry.


  • CSI driver components images names and tags can be found here.
  • We recommend using a short registry URL due to a Kubernetes limitation on the length of pod metadata labels. For more information, refer to this section

Using manifest file.

  1. Get Longhorn Deployment manifest file


  2. Create Longhorn namespace

    kubectl create namespace longhorn-system

  3. If private registry require authentication, Create docker-registry secret in longhorn-system namespace:

    kubectl -n longhorn-system create secret docker-registry <SECRET_NAME> --docker-server=<REGISTRY_URL> --docker-username=<REGISTRY_USER> --docker-password=<REGISTRY_PASSWORD>

    • Add your secret name to longhorn-default-setting ConfigMap
    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: longhorn-default-setting
    5. namespace: longhorn-system
    6. data:
    7. default-setting.yaml: |-
    8. backup-target:
    9. backup-target-credential-secret:
    10. create-default-disk-labeled-nodes:
    11. default-data-path:
    12. replica-soft-anti-affinity:
    13. storage-over-provisioning-percentage:
    14. storage-minimal-available-percentage:
    15. upgrade-checker:
    16. default-replica-count:
    17. guaranteed-engine-cpu:
    18. default-longhorn-static-storage-class:
    19. backupstore-poll-interval:
    20. taint-toleration:
    21. registry-secret: <SECRET_NAME>
    • Add your secret name SECRET_NAME to in the following resources

      • longhorn-driver-deployer Deployment
      • longhorn-manager DaemonSet
      • longhorn-ui Deployment


      1. apiVersion: apps/v1
      2. kind: Deployment
      3. metadata:
      4. labels:
      5. app: longhorn-ui
      6. name: longhorn-ui
      7. namespace: longhorn-system
      8. spec:
      9. replicas: 1
      10. selector:
      11. matchLabels:
      12. app: longhorn-ui
      13. template:
      14. metadata:
      15. labels:
      16. app: longhorn-ui
      17. spec:
      18. containers:
      19. - name: longhorn-ui
      20. image: longhornio/longhorn-ui:v0.8.0
      21. ports:
      22. - containerPort: 8000
      23. env:
      24. - name: LONGHORN_MANAGER_IP
      25. value: "http://longhorn-backend:9500"
      26. imagePullSecrets:
      27. - name: <SECRET_NAME> ## Add SECRET_NAME here
      28. serviceAccountName: longhorn-service-account
  4. Apply the following modifications to the manifest file

    • Modify Kubernetes CSI driver components environment variables in longhorn-driver-deployer Deployment point to your private registry images

      1. - name: CSI_ATTACHER_IMAGE
      2. value: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-attacher:<CSI_ATTACHER_IMAGE_TAG>
      3. - name: CSI_PROVISIONER_IMAGE
      4. value: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-provisioner:<CSI_PROVISIONER_IMAGE_TAG>
      6. value: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-node-driver-registrar:<CSI_NODE_DRIVER_REGISTRAR_IMAGE_TAG>
      7. - name: CSI_RESIZER_IMAGE
      8. value: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-resizer:<CSI_RESIZER_IMAGE_TAG>
    • Modify Longhorn images to point to your private registry images

      • longhornio/longhorn-manager

        image: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-manager:<LONGHORN_MANAGER_IMAGE_TAG>

      • longhornio/longhorn-engine

        image: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-engine:<LONGHORN_ENGINE_IMAGE_TAG>

      • longhornio/longhorn-instance-manager

        image: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-instance-manager:<LONGHORN_INSTANCE_MANAGER_IMAGE_TAG>

      • longhornio/longhorn-ui

        image: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-ui:<LONGHORN_UI_IMAGE_TAG>

  1. Example:
  2. ```
  3. apiVersion: apps/v1
  4. kind: Deployment
  5. metadata:
  6. labels:
  7. app: longhorn-ui
  8. name: longhorn-ui
  9. namespace: longhorn-system
  10. spec:
  11. replicas: 1
  12. selector:
  13. matchLabels:
  14. app: longhorn-ui
  15. template:
  16. metadata:
  17. labels:
  18. app: longhorn-ui
  19. spec:
  20. containers:
  21. - name: longhorn-ui
  22. image: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-ui:<LONGHORN_UI_IMAGE_TAG> ## Add image name and tag here
  23. ports:
  24. - containerPort: 8000
  25. env:
  27. value: "http://longhorn-backend:9500"
  28. imagePullSecrets:
  29. - name: <SECRET_NAME>
  30. serviceAccountName: longhorn-service-account
  31. ```
  1. Deploy Longhorn using modified manifest file kubectl apply -f longhorn.yaml

Using Helm Chart

  1. Clone longhorn repo

    git clone

  2. In chart/values.yaml

  • Specify Longhorn images:

    1. image:
    2. longhorn:
    3. engine: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-engine
    5. manager: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-manager
    7. ui: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-ui
    9. instanceManager: <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-instance-manager
  • Specify CSI Driver components images:

    1. csi:
    2. attacherImage: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-attacher:<CSI_ATTACHER_IMAGE_TAG>
    3. provisionerImage: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-provisioner:<CSI_PROVISIONER_IMAGE_TAG>
    4. driverRegistrarImage: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-node-driver-registrar:<CSI_NODE_DRIVER_REGISTRAR_IMAGE_TAG>
    5. resizerImage: <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-resizer:<CSI_RESIZER_IMAGE_TAG>
  • Specify registry secret Name, URL, and Credentials:

    1. defaultSettings:
    2. registrySecret: <SECRET_NAME>
    3. privateRegistry:
    4. registryUrl: <REGISTRY_URL>
    5. registryUser: <REGISTRY_USER>
    6. registryPasswd: <REGISTRY_PASSWORD>
  1. Install Longhorn

    • Helm2

      helm install ./chart --name longhorn --namespace longhorn-system

    • Helm3

      kubectl create namespace longhorn-system

      helm install longhorn ./chart --namespace longhorn-system

Using Rancher App

  • In Longhorn Images Settings section specify

    • Longhorn Manager Image Name e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-manager
    • Longhorn Manager Image Tag
    • Longhorn Engine Image Name e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-engine
    • Longhorn Engine Image Tag
    • Longhorn UI Image Name e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-ui
    • Longhorn UI Image Tag
    • Longhorn Instance Manager Image Name e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/longhorn-instance-manager
    • Longhorn Instance Manager Image Tag
  • In Longhorn CSI Driver Setting section specify

    • Longhorn CSI Attacher Image e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-attacher:<CSI_ATTACHER_IMAGE_TAG>
    • Longhorn CSI Provisioner Image e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-provisioner:<CSI_PROVISIONER_IMAGE_TAG>
    • Longhorn CSI Driver Registrar Image e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-node-driver-registrar:<CSI_NODE_DRIVER_REGISTRAR_IMAGE_TAG>
    • Longhorn CSI Driver Resizer Image e.g. <REGISTRY_URL>/csi-resizer:<CSI_RESIZER_IMAGE_TAG>
  • In Longhorn Default Settings secton specify

    • Private registry secret
  • In Private Registry Settings secton specify

    • Private registry URL
    • Private registry user
    • Private registry password


For Helm/Rancher installation, if user forgot to submit a secret to authenticate to private registry, longhorn-manager DaemonSet will fail to create.

  1. Create the Kubernetes secret

    kubectl -n longhorn-system create secret docker-registry <SECRET_NAME> --docker-server=<REGISTRY_URL> --docker-username=<REGISTRY_USER> --docker-password=<REGISTRY_PASSWORD>

  2. Create registry-secret setting object manually.

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Setting
    3. metadata:
    4. name: registry-secret
    5. namespace: longhorn-system
    6. value: <SECRET_NAME>

    kubectl apply -f registry-secret.yml

  3. Delete Longhorn and re-install it again.

    • Helm2

      helm uninstall ./chart --name longhorn --namespace longhorn-system

      helm install ./chart --name longhorn --namespace longhorn-system

    • Helm3

      helm uninstall longhorn ./chart --namespace longhorn-system

      helm install longhorn ./chart --namespace longhorn-system

longhorn-driver-deployer error: Node is not support mount propagation

If longhorn-instance-manager image name is more than 63 characters long, it will fail to deploy, and longhorn-driver-deployer pod will be in CrashLoopBackOff.

Checking Longhorn driver deployer logs will report the following:

  1. time="2020-03-13T22:49:22Z" level=warning msg="Got an error when checking MountPropagation with node status, Node XXX is not support mount propagation"
  2. time="2020-03-13T22:49:22Z" level=fatal msg="Error deploying driver: CSI cannot be deployed because MountPropagation is not set: Node <NODE_NAME> is not support mount propagation"

Issue can be conformed by checking Longhorn manager log, you should be able to see the following logs:

“Dropping Longhorn node longhorn-system/NODE_NAME out of the queue: fail to sync node for longhorn-system/NODE_NAME: “instance-manager-e-605e9473” is invalid: metadata.labels: Invalid value: “PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL-PREFIX-longhorn-instance-manager-v1_20200301”: must be no more than 63 characters

Longhorn instance manager: metadata.labels must be no more than 63 characters

Using a long registry URL may cause Longhorn installation error

Longhorn manager would report errors in the log when this happened:

  1. "instance-manager-e-xxxxxxxx" is invalid: metadata.labels: Invalid value: "<PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL>-longhornio-longhorn-instance-manager-v1_20200301": must be no more than 63 characters

Longhorn instance manager pods have labels with key and value REGISTRY_URL-USER-IMAGE_NAME-TAG


  1. metadata:
  2. labels:
  3. instance-manager
  4. <PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL>-longhornio-longhorn-instance-manager-v1_20200301
  5. engine
  6. <NODE_NAME>
  7. name: instance-manager-e-XXXXXXXX

it’s known Kubernetes limitaion that label value should be no more than 63 characters here


It’s highly recommended not to manipulate image tags, especially instance manager image tags such as v1_20200301, because we intentionally use the date to avoid associating it with a Longhorn version.


  • Longhorn components images

    • longhorn-instance-manager:
    • longhorn-manager:
    • longhorn-engine:
    • longhorn-ui:
  • Kubernetes CSI images

    • CSI Attacher:
    • CSI Provisioner:
    • CSI Node Driver Registrar:
    • CSI Resizer: