Important:Before running this generator, you must create an application using the application generator.Then you must run the command from the root directory of the application.


Adds a new LifeCycleObserver class to a LoopBack application.

  1. lb4 observer [--group <group>] [<name>]

Arguments and options

<name> - Required name of the observer to create as an argument to thecommand. If provided, the tool will use that as the default when it prompts forthe name.

—group <group> - Optional name of the observer group to sort the execution ofobservers by group.

Interactive Prompts

The tool will prompt you for:

  • Name of the observer.(observerName) If the name had been supplied fromthe command line, the prompt is skipped.

  • Group of the observer.(groupName) If the group had been supplied fromthe command line, the prompt is skipped.


Once all the prompts have been answered, the CLI will do the following:

  • Create a LifeCycleObserver class as follows:/src/observers/${observerName}.observer.ts
  • Update /src/observers/index.ts to export the newly created LifeCycleObserverclass.The generated class looks like:
  1. import {
  2. /* inject, Application, CoreBindings, */
  3. lifeCycleObserver, // The decorator
  4. CoreTags,
  5. LifeCycleObserver, // The interface
  6. } from '@loopback/core';
  7. /**
  8. * This class will be bound to the application as a `LifeCycleObserver` during
  9. * `boot`
  10. */
  11. @lifeCycleObserver('observer-group-name')
  12. export class HelloObserver implements LifeCycleObserver {
  13. /*
  14. constructor(
  15. @inject(CoreBindings.APPLICATION_INSTANCE) private app: Application,
  16. ) {}
  17. */
  18. /**
  19. * This method will be invoked when the application starts
  20. */
  21. async start(): Promise<void> {
  22. // Add your logic for start
  23. }
  24. /**
  25. * This method will be invoked when the application stops
  26. */
  27. async stop(): Promise<void> {
  28. // Add your logic for start
  29. }
  30. }