How to submit a pull request (PR) for LoopBack 4

This tutorial is about how to submit a pull request (PR) for LoopBack 4 whilefollowing our conventions and requirements.

Pick Expert Instructions orBeginner Instructions mode based on your experiencewith GitHub’s PR flow.

To contribute high-quality code/docs, please readContributing to LoopBack,Contributing code,and Contributing to docs,before diving into the PR process.

Expert Instructions

In addition to your knowledge about GitHub and creating a pull request, we havespecific conventions and requirements you need to follow when submitting a pullrequest for LoopBack 4.

1. Commits to local repository

Our commit messages are formatted according toConventional Commits.

Please read theCommit Message Formatguidelines to correctly format your commit messages.

To change an existing commit please refer toChanging a commit message.

Note:Run npm install inside loopback-next after git clone. This will automatically set up git commit-msg hooks to check the conventions and block invalid messages.

2. Before pushing to remote repository

Before pushing to the remote repository, ensure your files are free offormatting, syntax, and logical/execution errors by running:

  1. npm run lint:fix && npm test

Note:**npm run lint:fix** might reformat the source code and fix style issues. Be sure to add such changes to your commit.

3. After creating PR, sign the CLA and fill out checklist

After creating the pull request, make sure the Contributor License Agreement(CLA) has been signed for the loopback-next repository.

The pull request has a checklist that must be filled out appropriately.


Of particular importance are the'Read and sign the CLA (Contributor License Agreement)' link and the'npm test passes on your machine' checkbox.

Click on theRead and sign the CLA (Contributor License Agreement)link, and sign it. This is done once per repository.

4. Check CI status

Ensure that the continuous integration (CI) jobs associated with your pullrequest complete successfully.

It might take some time for CI jobs to be scheduled and completed.


If a build fails, click on its Details link for more information.

For example, clicking on the Details link for the Travis CI build job takesus to the Travis CI build page.


Here you can investigate the status of the job, its sub-jobs, or restart them.

5. PR Review Process

The review process is iterative, so it is normal that multiple commits may berequired until the pull request is finally accepted.

Tip: After a pull request is created, any additional commits that you push to your remote feature branch automatically get added to the pull request. There is no need to close the initial pull request and create a new one.

Reactively rebase yourforked repository against the upstream master branch to keep them in sync; ifneeded.

6. Before your PR is merged by a maintainer

Before the PR is merged by a maintainer, your may be asked to clean up thecommits bysquashing commitsto ensure meaningful change logs. Use the git rebase -i command if necessary.

Beginner Instructions

Here is a complete tutorial on how to submit a pull request (PR) for LoopBackv4.

1. Fork the loopback-next repository

In your browser, navigate to

Create your own fork of the repository by pressing the Fork link on theright-hand side.


When the forking process is complete, the repository will show up as{ your user id }/loopback-next. In my case, it is emonddr/loopback-next.


2. Create the feature branch

Notice your repo has a master branch already created (refer to bottom leftcorner of the picture above). It is commonplace to have this branch representthe latest, clean version of this repository’s content. For the purposes of yourPR, let’s create a feature branch with a name indicative of your changes. Inmy case, it is emonddr-doc-changes.

Click on the Clone or download button


This brings up tiny dialog with different choices: Clone with SSH, Use HTTPS,Open in Desktop, or Download Zip.

In my case, I will leave it as Clone with SSH, and click on thecopy to clipboard icon on the right side of the repository url (we are goingto paste this value in a terminal window soon).


Open a terminal window, and navigate to the directory where you want to clonethe repository. In my case, this is /Users/dremond/git.

To create the feature branch, run:

  1. git clone { repository url from clipboard }
  2. cd loopback-next
  3. git checkout -b { your feature branch }

To install the package dependencies, run

  1. npm install

3. Make changes locally

Whether you are contributing to code or documentation, make all your changesinside in the local feature branch directory.

To ensure your files are free of formatting, syntax, and logical/executionerrors, run:

  1. npm run lint:fix && npm test

Note:**npm run lint:fix** might reformat the source code and fix style issues. Be sure to add such changes to your commit.

4. Commit changes to the local feature branch

When you are pleased with the work you have done on the local copy of yourfeature branch, you will want to stage your changes in preparation for acommit.

To find out which files have been modified, added, deleted, and also what isstaged or unstaged, run:

  1. git status

To stage all untracked files, run:

  1. git add --all

To stage one untracked file at a time, run:

  1. git add { relative path to file from root directory }

When you are pleased with your staged changes, it is time to create a commitand give it a message.

Our commit messages are formatted according toConventional Commits.

Please read theCommit Message Formatguidelines to correctly format your commit messages.

To help with abiding by the rules of commit messages, please use thecommitizen tool mentioned in the documentation above. This means will we usegit cz instead of git commit. Install commitizen by runningnpm install -g commitizen.

In my case, I want the commit message to look like this:

  1. docs: tutorial on how to submit a pull request to lb4
  2. This tutorial shows contributors step-by-step instructions on how to submit a pull request (PR) to LoopBack v4

To start commitizen, run:

  1. git cz

Follow the prompts for the various fields.

In my case I have entered:

  1. type : docs
  2. scope : <blank>
  3. short description : tutorial on how to submit a pull request to lb4
  4. long description : This tutorial shows contributors step-by-step instructions on how to submit a pull request (PR) to LoopBack v4
  5. breaking changes : N
  6. affects open issues : N


The interactive commitizen prompts complete and the commit is created with aproperly formatted message.

5. Push commits to the remote feature branch

It is now time to push your local committed changes of your local feature branchdirectory to your remote feature branch; to keep them in sync.

The very first time you push your changes you should run:

  1. git push --set-upstream origin emonddr-doc-changes

The —set-upstream parameter will set up the tracking between your localfeature branch and your remote feature branch.

Afterwards, for any additional push, you just need to run:

  1. git push

It is not necessary to create a pull request immediately on the push of yourfirst commit; this can be done later.

Do take some time to think about how many commits you want in the pull requestwhen you eventually create it.

If it makes sense to place your changes into one commit, then do so.

If, however, it makes more sense to place your changes into a few logicallyseparate commits, then do so.

Whatever is the best way for the maintainers to understand the changes when thepull request is being reviewed.

You can always re-organize commits or compress the number of commits laterthrough a step called Squashing Commits.

6. Rebasing

Eventually your fork of the original repository will become stale, and it willbe necessary to bring it up-to-date.

It is recommended that you perform a rebase before actually creating a pullrequest; if necessary.

In my case, the fork of the repository is behind by several commits.


It is necessary to perform a rebase.

To rebase your forked repository’s master branch off of the originalrepository, run:

  1. git remote add upstream
  2. git checkout master
  3. git pull --rebase upstream master
  4. git push --force-with-lease origin master

To rebase your feature branch off of your master branch, run:

  1. git checkout { your feature branch }
  2. git rebase master
  3. git push --force-with-lease origin { your feature branch }

Now we can see that the copy of the repository is no longer behind in severalcommits.

The master branch the forked repository is even with original repository.


The feature branch of the forked repository is 1 commit ahead of the masterbranch, and not behind on any number of commits.


7. Create the pull request (PR)

In your browser, navigate to your remote feature branch, and press theCompare & pull request button.


The short and long description fields of the pull request are auto-filled usingthe short and long description of your commit.


Note:The title of the pull request should start with [WIP] for work in progress when the pull request is not complete yet.

A template is also provided in the long description field.

Use the template to fill in as much information as possible to properly describethe purpose of the pull request.

There is checklist that must be appropriately filled out.

Of particular importance are the'Read and sign the CLA (Contributor License Agreement)' link and the'npm test passes on your machine' checkbox. They are a pre-condition to yourpull request being approved.

Press the Create pull request button.

The pull request is created.


Some continuous integration (CI) jobs commence; ensure they completesuccessfully.

8. Agree to the contributor license agreement (CLA)

You must agree to the contributor license agreement (CLA) before the pullrequest can be approved and merged by the maintainers.

In the checklist of your pull request, click on theRead and sign the CLA (Contributor License Agreement)link, and sign it. This is done once per repository.

9. PR review process

Once your PR is created, the appropriate reviewer(s) will be notified. This isdetermined by the configuration settings in /loopback-next/CODEOWNERS.

The review process is iterative, so it is normal that multiple extra commits maybe required until the pull request is finally accepted.

Tip: After a pull request is created, any additional commits that you push to your remote feature branch automatically get added to the pull request. There is no need to close the initial pull request and create a new one. Many beginners are not aware of this.

For example, I pushed a second commit to my remote feature branch after Icreated my pull request, and it automatically got added to the same pullrequest.


10. Final rebase and squashing of commits

Once the pull request is finally approved, repeat the Rebase section;ifnecessary.

Then squash (or compress) many commits into a few distinct commits; whateverthe maintainers suggest. Squashing commits is a great way to keep the repositorycommit history concise and clean.

In my case, I have 3 commits in my remote feature branch that I want to squashinto one.


Ensure that you currently have your feature branch checked out, and that yourlocal feature branch is in sync with your remote feature branch.


  1. git status


I do have my feature branch checked out, and it is in sync with the remotefeature branch.

Now let’s rebase the feature branch off of the master branch in an interactivemode that allows us to squash the commits.


  1. git rebase -i master


The vim editor opens and lists my 3 commits, and some commands that areavailable.

Type i to place the editor into INSERT mode. Use the arrow keys to movearound, and the delete or backspace key for deleting characters.

I want to keep the commit message from the first commit, so I will leave theword pick in front of the first commit, and change the words from pick tosquash for the second and third commits.

To save these changes, press the escape key, and type :wq


The vim editor comes up again to give me a chance to change my commit message.You’ll notice that because I previously chose squash for the second and thirdcommits, it appended the commit messages of the second and third commits ontothe commit message of the first.


This can give a user a chance to view all messages before formulating one finalmessage.

If I had a large number of commits and didn’t want all commit messages to beappended together, I would have specified: pick, fixup, fixup instead ofpick, squash, squash. The command fixup is like squash, except that itdiscards a commit’s log message.

In my case, I only like the message of the first commit, so I will delete theothers.


Save the changes, and the interactive rebase command finally completes.

Push the changes from the local feature branch to the remote feature branch.


  1. git push --force-with-lease

The remote feature branch and the pull request now have one commit.


11. Ensure CI jobs complete successfully

The post-condition to your pull request being approved, is that all thecontinuous integration (CI) jobs complete successfully.

It might take some time for CI jobs to be scheduled and completed.


Ensure that these CI jobs do complete successfully.

If a build fails, click on its Details link for more information.

For example, clicking on the Details link for the Travis CI build job takesus to the Travis CI build page.


Here you can investigate the status of the job, its sub-jobs, or restart them.

12. Maintainer merges the pull request

When a project maintainer is satisfied with the pull request, he/she willmerge it into the master branch of the strongloop/loopback-nextrepo.
