    -7000ERROR 7000 (HY000): OB-7000: Thelog buffer is full日志缓存已满。提示
    -7001ERROR 7001 (HY000): OB-7001: Thelog buffer is empty日志缓存为空。提示
    -7002ERROR 7002 (HY000): OB-7002: Theobject is not running选举对象没有在运行中。提示
    -7003ERROR 7003 (HY000): OB-7003: Theobject is running选举已经在执行中。提示
    -7004ERROR 7004 (HY000): OB-7004:Election does not reach majority选举未形成多数派。提示
    -7005ERROR 7005 (HY000): OB-7005: Theserver is not valid选举的服务器无效。提示
    -7006ERROR 7006 (HY000): OB-7006: Theleader is not validLeader无效。提示
    -7007ERROR 7007 (HY000): OB-7007: Theleader lease is expiredLeader的租约已过期。提示
    -7010ERROR 7010 (HY000): OB-7010: Themessage is not valid消息无效。提示
    -7011ERROR 7011 (HY000): OB-7011: Themessage is not intime消息不及时。提示
    -7012ERROR 7012 (HY000): OB-7012: Theserver is not candidate此服务器不是候选对象。提示
    -7013ERROR 7013 (HY000): OB-7013: Theserver is not candidate or voter此服务器不是候选者或投票者。提示
    -7014ERROR 7014 (HY000): OB-7014:Election protocol error选举协议错误。提示
    -7015ERROR 7015 (HY000): OB-7015: Thetask run time out of range任务运行超时。提示
    -7021ERROR 7021 (HY000): OB-7021:Last operation has not done上一次的操作未完成。提示
    -7022ERROR 7022 (HY000): OB-7022:Current server is not leader当前服务器不是Leader角色。提示
    -7024ERROR 7024 (HY000): OB-7024:There is not prepare message没有prepare的消息。提示
    -7025ERROR 7025 (HY000): OB-7025:There is more than one prepare message有多条prepare的消息。失败
    -7026ERROR 7026 (HY000): OB-7026:Election does not exist选举不存在。失败
    -7027ERROR 7027 (HY000): OB-7027:Election manager is running选举管理器已经在运行中。失败
    -7028ERROR 7028 (HY000): OB-7028:Election manager is not running选举管理器不在运行中。失败
    -7029ERROR 7029 (HY000): OB-7029:Election msg pool not have majority prepare message选举消息池没有获得大多数的prepare消息。失败
    -7030ERROR 7030 (HY000): OB-7030: Electionasync log init error选举异步日志初始化失败。失败
    -7031ERROR 7031 (HY000): OB-7031: Electionwaiting leader选举正在等待leader消息失败