Deploy your plugin on a cluster

You can deploy the plugin to a OKD cluster.

Build an image with Docker

To deploy your plugin on a cluster, you need to build an image and push it to an image registry.


  1. Build the image with the following command:

    1. $ docker build -t .
  2. Optional: If you want to test your image, run the following command:

    1. $ docker run -it --rm -d -p 9001:80
  3. Push the image by running the following command:

    1. $ docker push

Deploy your plugin on a cluster

After pushing an image with your changes to a registry, you can deploy the plugin to a cluster.


  1. To deploy your plugin to a cluster, install a Helm chart with the name of the plugin as the Helm release name into a new namespace or an existing namespace as specified by the -n command-line option. Provide the location of the image within the plugin.image parameter by using the following command:

    1. $ helm upgrade -i my-plugin charts/openshift-console-plugin -n my-plugin-namespace --create-namespace --set plugin.image=my-plugin-image-location


    n <my-plugin-namespace>

    Specifies an existing namespace to deploy your plugin into.


    Optional: If deploying to a new namespace, use this parameter.

    --set plugin.image=my-plugin-image-location

    Specifies the location of the image within the plugin.image parameter.

  2. Optional: You can specify any additional parameters by using the set of supported parameters in the charts/openshift-console-plugin/values.yaml file.

    1. plugin:
    2. name: ""
    3. description: ""
    4. image: ""
    5. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    6. replicas: 2
    7. port: 9443
    8. securityContext:
    9. enabled: true
    10. podSecurityContext:
    11. enabled: true
    12. runAsNonRoot: true
    13. seccompProfile:
    14. type: RuntimeDefault
    15. containerSecurityContext:
    16. enabled: true
    17. allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    18. capabilities:
    19. drop:
    20. - ALL
    21. resources:
    22. requests:
    23. cpu: 10m
    24. memory: 50Mi
    25. basePath: /
    26. certificateSecretName: ""
    27. serviceAccount:
    28. create: true
    29. annotations: {}
    30. name: ""
    31. patcherServiceAccount:
    32. create: true
    33. annotations: {}
    34. name: ""
    35. jobs:
    36. patchConsoles:
    37. enabled: true
    38. image: ""
    39. podSecurityContext:
    40. enabled: true
    41. runAsNonRoot: true
    42. seccompProfile:
    43. type: RuntimeDefault
    44. containerSecurityContext:
    45. enabled: true
    46. allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    47. capabilities:
    48. drop:
    49. - ALL
    50. resources:
    51. requests:
    52. cpu: 10m
    53. memory: 50Mi


  • View the list of enabled plugins by navigating from AdministrationCluster SettingsConfigurationConsole operator.openshift.ioConsole plugins or by visiting the Overview page.

It can take a few minutes for the new plugin configuration to appear. If you do not see your plugin, you might need to refresh your browser if the plugin was recently enabled. If you receive any errors at runtime, check the JS console in browser developer tools to look for any errors in your plugin code.

Disabling your plugin in the browser

Console users can use the disable-plugins query parameter to disable specific or all dynamic plugins that would normally get loaded at run-time.


  • To disable a specific plugin(s), remove the plugin you want to disable from the comma-separated list of plugin names.

  • To disable all plugins, leave an empty string in the disable-plugins query parameter.

Cluster administrators can disable plugins in the Cluster Settings page of the web console

Additional resources