Managing CLI profiles

A CLI configuration file allows you to configure different profiles, or contexts, for use with the CLI tools overview. A context consists of user authentication an OKD server information associated with a nickname.

About switches between CLI profiles

Contexts allow you to easily switch between multiple users across multiple OKD servers, or clusters, when using CLI operations. Nicknames make managing CLI configurations easier by providing short-hand references to contexts, user credentials, and cluster details. After a user logs in with the oc CLI for the first time, OKD creates a ~/.kube/config file if one does not already exist. As more authentication and connection details are provided to the CLI, either automatically during an oc login operation or by manually configuring CLI profiles, the updated information is stored in the configuration file:

CLI config file

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. clusters: (1)
  3. - cluster:
  4. insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
  5. server:
  6. name:
  7. - cluster:
  8. insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
  9. server:
  10. name:
  11. contexts: (2)
  12. - context:
  13. cluster:
  14. namespace: alice-project
  15. user: alice/
  16. name: alice-project/
  17. - context:
  18. cluster:
  19. namespace: joe-project
  20. user: alice/
  21. name: joe-project/openshift1/alice
  22. current-context: joe-project/ (3)
  23. kind: Config
  24. preferences: {}
  25. users: (4)
  26. - name: alice/
  27. user:
  28. token: xZHd2piv5_9vQrg-SKXRJ2Dsl9SceNJdhNTljEKTb8k
1The clusters section defines connection details for OKD clusters, including the address for their master server. In this example, one cluster is nicknamed and another is nicknamed
2This contexts section defines two contexts: one nicknamed alice-project/, using the alice-project project, cluster, and alice user, and another nicknamed joe-project/, using the joe-project project, cluster and alice user.
3The current-context parameter shows that the joe-project/ context is currently in use, allowing the alice user to work in the joe-project project on the cluster.
4The users section defines user credentials. In this example, the user nickname alice/ uses an access token.

The CLI can support multiple configuration files which are loaded at runtime and merged together along with any override options specified from the command line. After you are logged in, you can use the oc status or oc project command to verify your current working environment:

Verify the current working environment

  1. $ oc status

Example output

  1. oc status
  2. In project Joe's Project (joe-project)
  3. service database ( -> 3306)
  4. database deploys
  5. #1 deployed 25 minutes ago - 1 pod
  6. service frontend ( -> 8080)
  7. frontend deploys origin-ruby-sample:latest <-
  8. builds with joe-project/ruby-20-centos7:latest
  9. #1 deployed 22 minutes ago - 2 pods
  10. To see more information about a service or deployment, use 'oc describe service <name>' or 'oc describe dc <name>'.
  11. You can use 'oc get all' to see lists of each of the types described in this example.

List the current project

  1. $ oc project

Example output

  1. Using project "joe-project" from context named "joe-project/" on server "".

You can run the oc login command again and supply the required information during the interactive process, to log in using any other combination of user credentials and cluster details. A context is constructed based on the supplied information if one does not already exist. If you are already logged in and want to switch to another project the current user already has access to, use the oc project command and enter the name of the project:

  1. $ oc project alice-project

Example output

  1. Now using project "alice-project" on server "".

At any time, you can use the oc config view command to view your current CLI configuration, as seen in the output. Additional CLI configuration commands are also available for more advanced usage.

If you have access to administrator credentials but are no longer logged in as the default system user system:admin, you can log back in as this user at any time as long as the credentials are still present in your CLI config file. The following command logs in and switches to the default project:

  1. $ oc login -u system:admin -n default

Manual configuration of CLI profiles

This section covers more advanced usage of CLI configurations. In most situations, you can use the oc login and oc project commands to log in and switch between contexts and projects.

If you want to manually configure your CLI config files, you can use the oc config command instead of directly modifying the files. The oc config command includes a number of helpful sub-commands for this purpose:

Table 1. CLI configuration subcommands


Sets a cluster entry in the CLI config file. If the referenced cluster nickname already exists, the specified information is merged in.

  1. $ oc config set-cluster <cluster_nickname> [—server=<master_ip_or_fqdn>]
  2. [—certificate-authority=<path/to/certificate/authority>]
  3. [—api-version=<apiversion>] [—insecure-skip-tls-verify=true]


Sets a context entry in the CLI config file. If the referenced context nickname already exists, the specified information is merged in.

  1. $ oc config set-context <context_nickname> [—cluster=<cluster_nickname>]
  2. [—user=<user_nickname>] [—namespace=<namespace>]


Sets the current context using the specified context nickname.

  1. $ oc config use-context <context_nickname>


Sets an individual value in the CLI config file.

  1. $ oc config set <property_name> <property_value>

The <property_name> is a dot-delimited name where each token represents either an attribute name or a map key. The <property_value> is the new value being set.


Unsets individual values in the CLI config file.

  1. $ oc config unset <property_name>

The <property_name> is a dot-delimited name where each token represents either an attribute name or a map key.


Displays the merged CLI configuration currently in use.

  1. $ oc config view

Displays the result of the specified CLI config file.

  1. $ oc config view config=<specific_filename>

Example usage

  • Log in as a user that uses an access token. This token is used by the alice user:
  1. $ oc login --token=ns7yVhuRNpDM9cgzfhhxQ7bM5s7N2ZVrkZepSRf4LC0
  • View the cluster entry automatically created:
  1. $ oc config view

Example output

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. clusters:
  3. - cluster:
  4. insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
  5. server:
  6. name: openshift1-example-com
  7. contexts:
  8. - context:
  9. cluster: openshift1-example-com
  10. namespace: default
  11. user: alice/openshift1-example-com
  12. name: default/openshift1-example-com/alice
  13. current-context: default/openshift1-example-com/alice
  14. kind: Config
  15. preferences: {}
  16. users:
  17. - name: alice/
  18. user:
  19. token: ns7yVhuRNpDM9cgzfhhxQ7bM5s7N2ZVrkZepSRf4LC0
  • Update the current context to have users log in to the desired namespace:
  1. $ oc config set-context `oc config current-context` --namespace=<project_name>
  • Examine the current context, to confirm that the changes are implemented:
  1. $ oc whoami -c

All subsequent CLI operations uses the new context, unless otherwise specified by overriding CLI options or until the context is switched.

Load and merge rules

You can follow these rules, when issuing CLI operations for the loading and merging order for the CLI configuration:

  • CLI config files are retrieved from your workstation, using the following hierarchy and merge rules:

    • If the --config option is set, then only that file is loaded. The flag is set once and no merging takes place.

    • If the $KUBECONFIG environment variable is set, then it is used. The variable can be a list of paths, and if so the paths are merged together. When a value is modified, it is modified in the file that defines the stanza. When a value is created, it is created in the first file that exists. If no files in the chain exist, then it creates the last file in the list.

    • Otherwise, the _~/.kube/config_ file is used and no merging takes place.

  • The context to use is determined based on the first match in the following flow:

    • The value of the --context option.

    • The current-context value from the CLI config file.

    • An empty value is allowed at this stage.

  • The user and cluster to use is determined. At this point, you may or may not have a context; they are built based on the first match in the following flow, which is run once for the user and once for the cluster:

    • The value of the --user for user name and --cluster option for cluster name.

    • If the --context option is present, then use the context’s value.

    • An empty value is allowed at this stage.

  • The actual cluster information to use is determined. At this point, you may or may not have cluster information. Each piece of the cluster information is built based on the first match in the following flow:

    • The values of any of the following command line options:

      • --server,

      • --api-version

      • --certificate-authority

      • --insecure-skip-tls-verify

    • If cluster information and a value for the attribute is present, then use it.

    • If you do not have a server location, then there is an error.

  • The actual user information to use is determined. Users are built using the same rules as clusters, except that you can only have one authentication technique per user; conflicting techniques cause the operation to fail. Command line options take precedence over config file values. Valid command line options are:

    • --auth-path

    • --client-certificate

    • --client-key

    • --token

  • For any information that is still missing, default values are used and prompts are given for additional information.