Workflow Integration (Maven, Github, CI/CD)

Gradle Integration

See the openapi-generator-gradle-plugin README for details related to configuring and using the Gradle Plugin.

Supported tasks include:

  • Listing generators
  • Validation of Open API 2.0 and 3.0 Specs
  • Generating "Meta" generators
  • Generating all generators supported by OpenAPI Generator

Maven Integration

See the openapi-generator-maven-plugin README for details related to configuring and using the Maven Plugin.

GitHub Integration

To push the auto-generated SDK to GitHub, we provide to streamline the process. For example:

  1. java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
  2. -i modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/2_0/petstore.json -g perl \
  3. --git-user-id "wing328" \
  4. --git-repo-id "petstore-perl" \
  5. --release-note "Github integration demo" \
  6. -o /var/tmp/perl/petstore
  • Push the SDK to GitHub
  1. cd /var/tmp/perl/petstore
  2. /bin/sh ./


Some generators also generate CI/CD configuration files (.travis.yml) so that the output will be ready to be tested by the CI (e.g. Travis)

If you're looking for the configuration files of a particular CI that is not yet supported, please open an issue to let us know.