
id: generator-opts-server-csharp-nancyfx title: Config Options for csharp-nancyfxsidebar_label: csharp-nancyfx

packageNameC# package name (convention: Title.Case).Org.OpenAPITools
packageVersionC# package version.1.0.0
sourceFoldersource folder for generated codesrc
interfacePrefixPrefix interfaces with a community standard or widely accepted prefix.
packageGuidThe GUID that will be associated with the C# projectnull
packageContextOptionally overrides the PackageContext which determines the namespace (namespace=packageName.packageContext). If not set, packageContext will default to basePath.null
sortParamsByRequiredFlagSort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters.true
optionalProjectFileGenerate {PackageName}.csproj.true
useDateTimeOffsetUse DateTimeOffset to model date-time propertiesfalse
useCollectionDeserialize array types to Collection<T> instead of List<T>.false
returnICollectionReturn ICollection<T> instead of the concrete type.false
immutableEnabled by default. If disabled generates model classes with setterstrue
writeModulePathEnabled by default. If disabled, module paths will not mirror api base pathtrue
asyncServerSet to true to enable the generation of async routes/endpoints.false