
id: generator-opts-client-java title: Config Options for javasidebar_label: java

sortParamsByRequiredFlagSort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters.true
ensureUniqueParamsWhether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not).true
allowUnicodeIdentifiersboolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is falsefalse
prependFormOrBodyParametersAdd form or body parameters to the beginning of the parameter list.false
modelPackagepackage for generated modelsorg.openapitools.client.model
apiPackagepackage for generated api classesorg.openapitools.client.api
invokerPackageroot package for generated codeorg.openapitools.client
groupIdgroupId in generated pom.xmlorg.openapitools
artifactIdartifactId in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the generated library's filenameopenapi-java-client
artifactVersionartifact version in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the generated library's filename1.0.0
artifactUrlartifact URL in generated pom.xml
artifactDescriptionartifact description in generated pom.xmlOpenAPI Java
scmConnectionSCM connection in generated
scmDeveloperConnectionSCM developer connection in generated
scmUrlSCM URL in generated pom.xml
developerNamedeveloper name in generated pom.xmlOpenAPI-Generator Contributors
developerEmaildeveloper email in generated
developerOrganizationdeveloper organization in generated
developerOrganizationUrldeveloper organization URL in generated pom.xml
licenseNameThe name of the licenseUnlicense
licenseUrlThe URL of the license
sourceFoldersource folder for generated codesrc/main/java
serializableModelboolean - toggle "implements Serializable" for generated modelsfalse
bigDecimalAsStringTreat BigDecimal values as Strings to avoid precision loss.false
fullJavaUtilwhether to use fully qualified name for classes under java.util. This option only works for Java API clientfalse
hideGenerationTimestampHides the generation timestamp when files are generated.false
withXmlwhether to include support for application/xml content type and include XML annotations in the model (works with libraries that provide support for JSON and XML)false
dateLibraryOption. Date library to use- joda- Joda (for legacy app only)- legacy- Legacy java.util.Date (if you really have a good reason not to use threetenbp- java8-localdatetime- Java 8 using LocalDateTime (for legacy app only)- java8- Java 8 native JSR310 (preferred for jdk 1.8+) - note: this also sets "java8" to true- threetenbp- Backport of JSR310 (preferred for jdk < 1.8)threetenbp
java8Option. Use Java8 classes instead of third party equivalents- true- Use Java 8 classes such as Base64- false- Various third party libraries as neededfalse
disableHtmlEscapingDisable HTML escaping of JSON strings when using gson (needed to avoid problems with byte[] fields)false
booleanGetterPrefixSet booleanGetterPrefixget
parentGroupIdparent groupId in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effectnull
parentArtifactIdparent artifactId in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effectnull
parentVersionparent version in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effectnull
snapshotVersionUses a SNAPSHOT version.- true- Use a SnapShot Version- false- Use a Release Versionnull
useRxJavaWhether to use the RxJava adapter with the retrofit2 library.false
useRxJava2Whether to use the RxJava2 adapter with the retrofit2 library.false
parcelableModelWhether to generate models for Android that implement Parcelable with the okhttp-gson library.false
usePlayWSUse Play! Async HTTP client (Play WS API)false
playVersionVersion of Play! Framework (possible values "play24", "play25" (default), "play26")null
supportJava6Whether to support Java6 with the Jersey1 library.false
useBeanValidationUse BeanValidation API annotationsfalse
performBeanValidationPerform BeanValidationfalse
useGzipFeatureSend gzip-encoded requestsfalse
useRuntimeExceptionUse RuntimeException instead of Exceptionfalse
feignVersionVersion of OpenFeign: '10.x', '9.x' (default)false
useReflectionEqualsHashCodeUse org.apache.commons.lang3.builder for equals and hashCode in the models. WARNING: This will fail under a security manager, unless the appropriate permissions are set up correctly and also there's potential performance impact.false
caseInsensitiveResponseHeadersMake API response's headers case-insensitive. Available on okhttp-gson, jersey2 librariesfalse
librarylibrary template (sub-template) to use- jersey1- HTTP client: Jersey client 1.19.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x. Enable Java6 support using '-DsupportJava6=true'. Enable gzip request encoding using '-DuseGzipFeature=true'. IMPORTANT NOTE: jersey 1.x is no longer actively maintained so please upgrade to 'jersey2' or other HTTP libaries instead.- jersey2- HTTP client: Jersey client 2.25.1. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x- feign- HTTP client: OpenFeign 9.x or 10.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x. To enable OpenFeign 10.x, set the 'feignVersion' option to '10.x'- okhttp-gson- [DEFAULT] HTTP client: OkHttp 3.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.8.x. Enable Parcelable models on Android using '-DparcelableModel=true'. Enable gzip request encoding using '-DuseGzipFeature=true'.- retrofit- HTTP client: OkHttp 2.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.x (Retrofit 1.9.0). IMPORTANT NOTE: retrofit1.x is no longer actively maintained so please upgrade to 'retrofit2' instead.- retrofit2- HTTP client: OkHttp 3.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.x (Retrofit 2.3.0). Enable the RxJava adapter using '-DuseRxJava[2]=true'. (RxJava 1.x or 2.x)- resttemplate- HTTP client: Spring RestTemplate 4.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x- webclient- HTTP client: Spring WebClient 5.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x- resteasy- HTTP client: Resteasy client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x- vertx- HTTP client: VertX client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x- google-api-client- HTTP client: Google API client 1.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x- rest-assured- HTTP client: rest-assured : 4.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.x or Jackson 2.9.x. Only for Java8- native- HTTP client: Java native HttpClient. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x. Only for Java11+okhttp-gson
serializationLibrarySerialization library, default depends from the library- jackson- Use Jackson as serialization library- gson- Use Gson as serialization librarynull