
id: generator-opts-server-fsharp-giraffe-server title: Config Options for fsharp-giraffe-serversidebar_label: fsharp-giraffe-server

licenseUrlThe URL of the licensehttp://localhost
licenseNameThe name of the licenseNoLicense
packageCopyrightSpecifies an AssemblyCopyright for the .NET Framework global assembly attributes stored in the AssemblyInfo file.No Copyright
packageAuthorsSpecifies Authors property in the .NET Core project file.OpenAPI
packageTitleSpecifies an AssemblyTitle for the .NET Framework global assembly attributes stored in the AssemblyInfo file.OpenAPI Library
packageNameF# module name (convention: Title.Case).OpenAPI
packageVersionF# package version.1.0.0
packageGuidThe GUID that will be associated with the C# projectnull
sourceFoldersource folder for generated codeOpenAPI/src
sortParamsByRequiredFlagSort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters.true
useDateTimeOffsetUse DateTimeOffset to model date-time propertiesfalse
useCollectionDeserialize array types to Collection<T> instead of List<T>.false
returnICollectionReturn ICollection<T> instead of the concrete type.false
useSwashbuckleUses the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore NuGet package for documentation.false
generateBodyGenerates method body.true
buildTargetTarget the build for a program or library.program