Backport Policy

Mainly critical issue fixes are backported to the most recent minor release. Special backport requests can be discussed during the weekly Triage meeting; this does not guarantee an exceptional backport will be created. Occasionally non-critical issue fixes will be backported, either at an approver’s discretion or by request as noted above. For information on contacting maintainers and attending meetings, check the community repository.


Typically an issue will be fixed in the master branch, which will then be cherry-picked to the most recent release’s branch. Those with approver permissions and above can create a cherry-pick PR, assuming no conflicts, by commenting /cherry-pick <release branch> in the PR fixing the issue in master. Fixes that are only relevant to a specific release branch can be made against that branch directly.

Last modified July 17, 2020: [docs] Reorganize hugo doc site (#3382) (1248c1ca)