Testing Operator Deployment with OLM

This document discusses the behavior of operator-sdk <run|cleanup> subcommands related to OLM deployment, and assumes you are familiar with OLM, related terminology, and have read the SDK-OLM integration design proposal.


  • run bundle, run bundle-upgrade, run packagemanifests, and cleanup are intended to be used for testing purposes only, since these commands create a transient image registry that should not be used in production. Typically a registry is deployed separately and a set of catalog manifests are created in the cluster to inform OLM of that registry and which Operator versions it can deploy and where to deploy the Operator.
  • run bundle and run packagemanifests can only deploy one Operator and one version of that Operator at a time, and run bundle-upgrade can only upgrade one Operator and one version of that Operator at a time, hence their intended purpose being testing only.
  • If testing a bundle or catalog whose image will be hosted in a registry that is private and/or has a custom CA, these configuration steps must be complete.

operator-sdk run bundle command overview

operator-sdk run bundle assumes OLM is already installed and running on your cluster. It also assumes that your Operator has a valid bundle. See the [creating a bundle][creating-bundle] guide for more information. See the CLI overview for commands to work with an OLM installation and generate a bundle.

  1. operator-sdk run bundle <bundle-image> [--index-image=] [--kubeconfig=] [--namespace=] [--timeout=] [--install-mode=(AllNamespace|OwnNamespace|SingleNamespace=)]

Let’s look at the configuration shared between run bundle, run packagemanifests, run bundle-upgrade and cleanup:

  • kubeconfig: the local path to a kubeconfig. This uses well-defined default loading rules to load the config if empty.
  • namespace: the cluster namespace in which Operator resources are created. This namespace must already exist in the cluster. This is an optional field which will default to the kubeconfig context if not provided.
  • timeout: a time string dictating the maximum time that run can run. The command will return an error if the timeout is exceeded.

Let’s look at the anatomy of the run bundle configuration model:

  • bundle-image: specifies the Operator bundle image, this is a required parameter. The bundle image must be pullable.
  • index-image: specifies an index image in which to inject the given bundle. This is an optional field which will default to quay.io/operator-framework/opm:latest
  • install-mode: specifies which supported installMode should be used to create an OperatorGroup by configuring its spec.targetNamespaces field. The InstallModeType string passed must be marked as “supported” in the CSV being installed.
    • This option understands the following strings (assuming your CSV does as well):
      • AllNamespaces: the Operator will watch all namespaces (cluster-scoped Operators). This is the default.
      • OwnNamespace: the Operator will watch its own namespace (from namespace or the kubeconfig default).
      • SingleNamespace="my-ns": the Operator will watch a namespace, not necessarily its own.
    • This is an optional parameter, but if the CSV does not support AllNamespaces then this parameter becomes required to instruct run bundle with the appropriate InstallModeType.

operator-sdk run packagemanifests command overview

operator-sdk run packagemanifests assumes OLM is already installed and running on your cluster, and that your Operator has a valid package manifests format. See the CLI overview for commands to work with an OLM installation and generate a package manifests format.

  1. operator-sdk run packagemanifests <packagemanifests-root-dir> [--version=] [--kubeconfig=] [--namespace=] [--timeout=] [--install-mode=(AllNamespace|OwnNamespace|SingleNamespace=)]

Let’s look at the configuration shared between run bundle, run packagemanifests and cleanup:

  • kubeconfig: the local path to a kubeconfig. This uses well-defined default loading rules to load the config if empty.
  • namespace: the cluster namespace in which Operator resources are created. This namespace must already exist in the cluster. This is an optional field which will default to the kubeconfig context if not provided.
  • timeout: a time string dictating the maximum time that run can run. The command will return an error if the timeout is exceeded.

Let’s look at the anatomy of the run packagemanifests configuration model:

  • packagemanifests-root-dir: a directory containing the Operator’s package manifests, this is a required parameter.
  • install-mode: specifies which supported installMode should be used to create an OperatorGroup by configuring its spec.targetNamespaces field. The InstallModeType string passed must be marked as “supported” in the CSV being installed.
    • This option understands the following strings (assuming your CSV does as well):
      • AllNamespaces: the Operator will watch all namespaces (cluster-scoped Operators). This is the default.
      • OwnNamespace: the Operator will watch its own namespace (from namespace or the kubeconfig default).
      • SingleNamespace="my-ns": the Operator will watch a namespace, not necessarily its own.
    • This is an optional parameter, but if the CSV does not support AllNamespaces then this parameter becomes required to instruct run packagemanifests with the appropriate InstallModeType.
  • version: the version of the Operator to deploy. It must be a semantic version, ex. 0.0.1. This version must match the version of the CSV manifest found in manifests-dir, e.g. packagemanifests/0.0.1 in an Operator SDK project.

operator-sdk run bundle-upgrade command overview

operator-sdk run bundle-upgrade assumes OLM is already installed and running on your cluster and that the Operator has a valid bundle. It also assumes that the previous version of the Operator was either deployed on the cluster using run bundle command or traditionally via OLM. Another assumption of this command is that the newer operator bundle should not exist in the index image, if the previous version of the operator bundle was installed traditionally using OLM. This will cause the registry pod to fail as the bundle is already added to the index that provides package and csv. See the CLI overview for commands to work with an OLM installation and generate a bundle.

  1. operator-sdk run bundle-upgrade <bundle-image> [--kubeconfig=] [--namespace=] [--timeout=]

Let’s look at the anatomy of the run bundle-upgrade configuration model:

  • bundle-image: specifies the Operator bundle image, this is a required parameter. The bundle image must be pullable.

operator-sdk cleanup command overview

operator-sdk cleanup assumes an Operator was deployed using run bundle or run packagemanifests.

  1. operator-sdk cleanup <operatorPackageName> [--delete-all=] [--delete-crds=] [--delete-operator-groups=] [--kubeconfig=] [--namespace=] [--timeout=]

Let’s look at the configuration shared between run bundle, run packagemanifests and cleanup:

  • kubeconfig: the local path to a kubeconfig. This uses well-defined default loading rules to load the config if empty.
  • namespace: the cluster namespace in which Operator resources are created. This namespace must already exist in the cluster. This is an optional field which will default to the kubeconfig context if not provided.
  • timeout: a time string dictating the maximum time that run can run. The command will return an error if the timeout is exceeded.

Let’s look at the anatomy of the cleanup configuration model:

  • operatorPackageName: the Operator’s package name which you want to remove from the cluster, e.g. memcached-operator. This is a required parameter.
  • delete-all: a boolean indicating to enable all the delete flags that are present. This is an optional field which will default to true if not provided. If set to true, it will enable all the delete flags to be true. If set to false, it will enable specific delete flags.
  • delete-crds: a boolean indicating to delete all owned CRDs and CRs. This is an optional field which will default to false if not provided. If set to true, owned CRDs and CRs will be deleted.
  • delete-operator-groups: a boolean indicating to delete all operator groups. This is an optional field which will default to false if not provided. If set to true, operator groups will be deleted.

Last modified September 20, 2021: update default opm index image for run bundle (#5171) (4ae30332)