
(optional) Add local Ansible Roles path to Env in make run

If you would like to run your operator locally using make run, modify the run target in the Makefile to: ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="$(ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH):$(shell pwd)/roles" $(ANSIBLE_OPERATOR) run

See #5118 for more details.

(go/v3) Export KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS in Makefile

In go/v3 projects, after installing setup-envtest binary, the path to KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS needs to be exported. In Makefile, add the following:

  1. +# ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION refers to the version of kubebuilder assets to be downloaded by envtest binary.
  2. +ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION = 1.21
  3. test: manifests generate fmt vet envtest ## Run tests.
  4. - go test ./... -coverprofile cover.out
  5. + KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS="$(shell $(ENVTEST) use $(ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION) -p path)" go test ./... -coverprofile cover.out

See #4863 for more details.

(go/v3, ansible/v1, helm/v1) Add containerPort protocol field in manifests.

In go/v3, ansible/v1, helm/v1 projects, specify the containerPort protocol in the following files: - config/default/manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml - config/rbac/auth_proxy_service.yaml

  1. ports:
  2. - containerPort: 8443
  3. + protocol: TCP
  4. name: https

Additionally, in go/v3 projects, add the containerPort protocol to config/webhook/service.yaml:

  1. ports:
  2. - port: 443
  3. + protocol: TCP
  4. targetPort: 9443

See #4863 for more details.

(go/v3, ansible/v1, helm/v1) Increase resource limits for controller manager.

In go/v3, ansible/v1, helm/v1 projects, increase the cpu and memory resource limits to 200m and 100Mi respectively in config/manager/manager.yaml.

  1. resources:
  2. limits:
  3. - cpu: 100m
  4. - memory: 30Mi
  5. + cpu: 200m
  6. + memory: 100Mi

See #4863 for more details.

Last modified August 11, 2021: Release v1.11.0 (#5139) (28dcd12a)