operator-sdk scorecard

operator-sdk scorecard

Runs scorecard


Has flags to configure dsl, bundle, and selector. This command takes one argument, either a bundle image or directory containing manifests and metadata. If the argument holds an image tag, it must be present remotely.

  1. operator-sdk scorecard [flags]


  1. -c, --config string path to scorecard config file
  2. -h, --help help for scorecard
  3. --kubeconfig string kubeconfig path
  4. -L, --list Option to enable listing which tests are run
  5. -n, --namespace string namespace to run the test images in
  6. -o, --output string Output format for results. Valid values: text, json, xunit (default "text")
  7. -l, --selector string label selector to determine which tests are run
  8. -s, --service-account string Service account to use for tests (default "default")
  9. -x, --skip-cleanup Disable resource cleanup after tests are run
  10. -b, --storage-image string Storage image to be used by the Scorecard pod (default "docker.io/library/busybox@sha256:c71cb4f7e8ececaffb34037c2637dc86820e4185100e18b4d02d613a9bd772af")
  11. -t, --test-output string Test output directory. (default "test-output")
  12. -u, --untar-image string Untar image to be used by the Scorecard pod (default "registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8@sha256:910f6bc0b5ae9b555eb91b88d28d568099b060088616eba2867b07ab6ea457c7")
  13. -w, --wait-time duration seconds to wait for tests to complete. Example: 35s (default 30s)

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --plugins strings plugin keys to be used for this subcommand execution
  2. --verbose Enable verbose logging


Last modified October 15, 2021: [Bugfix for #5285] Expose flags for storage and untar images (#5306) (fad014e2)