Exercise 5: Import test data in multiple test packages

In a big software project, your tests are distributed to two packages. Both test_first.py and test_second.py require the variable MOBYDICK_SUMMARY from the module test data.py. The package structure is like this:

  1. testss/
  2. test_a/
  3. __init__.py
  4. test_first.py
  5. test_b/
  6. __init__.py
  7. test_second.py
  8. __init__.py
  9. test_data.py
  10. test_all.py

Your task is to make sure that the variable MOBYDICK_SUMMARY is correctly imported to both test modules, so that the tests pass for all of:

  1. tests/test_a/test_first.py
  2. tests/test_b/test_second.py
  3. tests/test_all.py