Testing New Features

Exercise 1: Add new feature: special characters

Add a new feature to the word_counter.py program. The program should remove special characters from the text before counting words.

Your task is to prove that the new feature is working.

Exercise 2: Add new feature: ignore case

Add a new feature to the word_counter.py program. The program should ignore the case of words, e.g. ‘captain’ and ‘Captain’ should be counted as the same word.

Your task is to prove that the new feature is working.

Exercise 3: Add new feature: word separators

The program word_counter.py does separate words at spaces, but not tabulators. You need to change that.

The following sentence should also contain four words:

  1. The\tprogram\tworks\tperfectly.

Your task is to add a test for this new situation and make it work.