Quarkus - Amazon SES Client

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a flexible and highly-scalable email sending and receiving service. Using SES, you can send emails with any type of correspondence. You can find more information about SES at the Amazon SES website.

The SES extension is based on AWS Java SDK 2.x. It’s a major rewrite of the 1.x code base that offers two programming models (Blocking & Async).

This technology is considered preview.

In preview, backward compatibility and presence in the ecosystem is not guaranteed. Specific improvements might require to change configuration or APIs and plans to become stable are under way. Feedback is welcome on our mailing list or as issues in our GitHub issue tracker.

For a full list of possible extension statuses, check our FAQ entry.

The Quarkus extension supports two programming models:

  • Blocking access using URL Connection HTTP client (by default) or the Apache HTTP Client

  • Asynchronous programming based on JDK’s CompletableFuture objects and the Netty HTTP client.

In this guide, we see how you can get your REST services to use SES locally and on AWS.


To complete this guide, you need:

  • JDK 1.8+ installed with JAVA_HOME configured appropriately

  • an IDE

  • Apache Maven 3.6.2+

  • An AWS Account to access the SES service

  • Docker for your system to run SES locally for testing purposes

Set up SES locally

The easiest way to start working with SES is to run a local instance as a container. However, local instance of SES is only mocks the SES APIs without the actual email sending capabilities. You can still use it for this guide to verify an API communication or integration test purposes.

  1. docker run --rm --name local-ses -p 8012:4579 -e SERVICES=ses -e START_WEB=0 -d localstack/localstack:0.11.1

This starts a SES instance that is accessible on port 8012.

Create an AWS profile for your local instance using AWS CLI:

  1. $ aws configure --profile localstack
  2. AWS Access Key ID [None]: test-key
  3. AWS Secret Access Key [None]: test-secret
  4. Default region name [None]: us-east-1
  5. Default output format [None]:

Using SES on your AWS account

Amazon applies certain restrictions to new Amazon SES accounts, mainly to prevent fraud and abuse. All new accounts are in the Amazon SES sandbox. All the features of the Amazon SES are still available while in sandbox, but a following restrictions applies: - You can send mail to verified email addresses and domains or to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator - You can only send mail from verified email addresses and domains - You can send a maximum of 1 message per second.

Going production, you’d need to get your account of the sandbox following the Amazon procedure.

Set up AWS SES

We assume you are going to use AWS SES sandbox for the sake of this guide. But before sending any email, you must verify sender and recipient email addresses using AWS CLI. You can use your personal email or any temporary email service available if you wish.

  1. aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address <sender@email.address>
  2. aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address <recipient@email.address>

Now, you need to open a mailboxes of those email addresses in order to follow confirmation procedure. Once email is approved you can use it in your application.

If you are using local SES you still need to verify email addresses, otherwise your send email in order to let local SES accepting your request. However, no emails to be send as it only mocks the service APIs.

  1. aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address <sender@email.address> --profile localstack --endpoint-url=http://localhost:8012
  2. aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address <recipient@email.address> --profile localstack --endpoint-url=http://localhost:8012


The application built here allows sending text emails to the recipients that are verified on AWS SES.

We recommend that you follow the instructions in the next sections and create the application step by step. However, you can go right to the completed example.

Clone the Git repository: git clone [https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-quickstarts.git](https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-quickstarts.git), or download an archive.

The solution is located in the amazon-ses-quickstart directory.

Creating the Maven project

First, we need a new project. Create a new project with the following command:

  1. mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.7.6.Final:create \
  2. -DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
  3. -DprojectArtifactId=amazon-ses-quickstart \
  4. -DclassName="org.acme.ses.QuarkusSesSyncResource" \
  5. -Dpath="/sync" \
  6. -Dextensions="resteasy-jsonb,amazon-ses,resteasy-mutiny"
  7. cd amazon-ses-quickstart

This command generates a Maven structure importing the RESTEasy/JAX-RS, Mutiny and Amazon SES Client extensions. After this, the amazon-ses extension has been added to your pom.xml as well as the Mutiny support for RESTEasy.

Creating JSON REST service

Lets create a org.acme.ses.QuarkusSesSyncResource that will provide an API to send emails using the synchronous client.

  1. package org.acme.ses;
  2. import javax.inject.Inject;
  3. import javax.ws.rs.Consumes;
  4. import javax.ws.rs.POST;
  5. import javax.ws.rs.Path;
  6. import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
  7. import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
  8. import org.acme.ses.model.Email;
  9. import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ses.SesClient;
  10. @Path("/sync")
  11. @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
  12. @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
  13. public class QuarkusSesSyncResource {
  14. @Inject
  15. SesClient ses;
  16. @POST
  17. @Path("/email")
  18. public String encrypt(Email data) {
  19. return ses.sendEmail(req -> req
  20. .source(data.getFrom())
  21. .destination(d -> d.toAddresses(data.getTo()))
  22. .message(msg -> msg
  23. .subject(sub -> sub.data(data.getSubject()))
  24. .body(b -> b.text(txt -> txt.data(data.getBody()))))).messageId();
  25. }
  26. }

Configuring SES clients

Both SES clients (sync and async) are configurable via the application.properties file that can be provided in the src/main/resources directory. Additionally, you need to add to the classpath a proper implementation of the sync client. By default the extension uses the URL connection HTTP client, so you need to add a URL connection client dependency to the pom.xml file:

  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>software.amazon.awssdk</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>url-connection-client</artifactId>
  4. </dependency>

If you want to use Apache HTTP client instead, configure it as follows:

  1. quarkus.ses.sync-client.type=apache

And add the following dependency to the application pom.xml:

  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>software.amazon.awssdk</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>apache-client</artifactId>
  4. </dependency>

If you’re going to use a local SES instance, configure it as follows:

  1. quarkus.ses.endpoint-override=http://localhost:8012
  2. quarkus.ses.aws.region=us-east-1
  3. quarkus.ses.aws.credentials.type=static
  4. quarkus.ses.aws.credentials.static-provider.access-key-id=test-key
  5. quarkus.ses.aws.credentials.static-provider.secret-access-key=test-secret
  • quarkus.ses.aws.region - It’s required by the client, but since you’re using a local SES instance use us-east-1 as it’s a default region of localstack’s SES.

  • quarkus.ses.aws.credentials.type - Set static credentials provider with any values for access-key-id and secret-access-key

  • quarkus.ses.endpoint-override - Override the SES client to use a local instance instead of an AWS service

If you want to work with an AWS account, you can simply remove or comment out all Amazon SES related properties. By default, the SES client extension will use the default credentials provider chain that looks for credentials in this order:

  • Java System Properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretAccessKey

  • Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

  • Credential profiles file at the default location (~/.aws/credentials) shared by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI

  • Credentials delivered through the Amazon ECS if the AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI environment variable is set and the security manager has permission to access the variable,

  • Instance profile credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service

And the region from your AWS CLI profile will be used.

Next steps


Packaging your application is as simple as ./mvnw clean package. It can be run with java -jar target/amazon-ses-quickstart-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar.

With GraalVM installed, you can also create a native executable binary: ./mvnw clean package -Dnative. Depending on your system, that will take some time.

Going asynchronous

Thanks to the AWS SDK v2.x used by the Quarkus extension, you can use the asynchronous programming model out of the box.

Create a org.acme.ses.QuarkusSesAsyncResource REST resource that will be similar to our QuarkusSesSyncResource but using an asynchronous programming model.

  1. package org.acme.ses;
  2. import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
  3. import javax.inject.Inject;
  4. import javax.ws.rs.Consumes;
  5. import javax.ws.rs.POST;
  6. import javax.ws.rs.Path;
  7. import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
  8. import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
  9. import org.acme.ses.model.Email;
  10. import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ses.SesAsyncClient;
  11. import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ses.model.SendEmailResponse;
  12. @Path("/async")
  13. @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
  14. @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
  15. public class QuarkusSesAsyncResource {
  16. @Inject
  17. SesAsyncClient ses;
  18. @POST
  19. @Path("/email")
  20. public Uni<String> encrypt(Email data) {
  21. return Uni.createFrom()
  22. .completionStage(
  23. ses.sendEmail(req -> req
  24. .source(data.getFrom())
  25. .destination(d -> d.toAddresses(data.getTo()))
  26. .message(msg -> msg
  27. .subject(sub -> sub.data(data.getSubject()))
  28. .body(b -> b.text(txt -> txt.data(data.getBody()))))))
  29. .onItem().apply(SendEmailResponse::messageId);
  30. }
  31. }

We create Uni instances from the CompletionStage objects returned by the asynchronous SES client, and then transform the emitted item.

And we need to add the Netty HTTP client dependency to the pom.xml:

  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>software.amazon.awssdk</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>netty-nio-client</artifactId>
  4. </dependency>

Configuration Reference

About the Duration format

The format for durations uses the standard java.time.Duration format. You can learn more about it in the Duration#parse() javadoc.

You can also provide duration values starting with a number. In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds. Otherwise, PT is implicitly prepended to the value to obtain a standard java.time.Duration format.

About the MemorySize format

A size configuration option recognises string in this format (shown as a regular expression): [0-9]+[KkMmGgTtPpEeZzYy]?. If no suffix is given, assume bytes.