
Within Rancher, roles determine what actions a user can make within a cluster or project.

Note that roles are different from permissions, which determine what clusters and projects you can access.


To complete the tasks on this page, the following permissions are required:

Adding A Custom Role

While Rancher comes out-of-the-box with a set of default user roles, you can also create custom roles to provide users with very specific permissions within Rancher.

  • From the Global view, select Security > Roles from the main menu.

  • Click Add Role.

  • Name the role.

  • Choose whether to set the role to a status of locked.

Locked roles cannot be assigned to users.

  • Assign the role a Context. Context determines the scope of role assigned to the user. The contexts are:

    • All

The user can use their assigned role regardless of context. This role is valid for assignment when adding/managing members to clusters or projects.

  • Cluster

This role is valid for assignment when adding/managing members to only clusters.

  • Project

This role is valid for assignment when adding/managing members to only projects.

You can also choose the individual cURL methods (Create, Delete, Get, etc.) available for use with each endpoint you assign.

  • Use the Inherit from a Role options to assign individual Rancher roles to your custom roles.

  • Click Create.

Locking/Unlocking Roles

If you want to prevent a role from being assigned to users, you can set it to a status of locked. For more information about what this status means, see Locked Roles.

You can lock roles in two contexts:

  • When you’re adding a custom role.
  • When you editing an existing role (see below).
  • From the Global view, select Security > Roles.

  • From the role that you want to lock (or unlock), select Vertical Ellipsis (…) > Edit.

  • From the Locked option, choose the Yes or No radio button. Then click Save.