Format of auto-completion acp file

Common auto-completion file format is ANSI text file, it contains list of lines in forms:

  1. Type Id |Hint
  2. Type Id (Param1; Param2; ...) |Hint
  3. Type Id (Param1; Param2; ...): ResultType |Hint
  • Strings "Type", "Id", "Params", "Hint" are shown in separate columns of completion listbox, with separate colors. "Id" is the text which is inserted for a line.
  • Both ";" and "," chars can be params delimiters. "|Hint" part is optional.
  • If "\" char is present in hint part, then it must be escaped: "\".
  • If space is needed in id part, it must be written as "%20" (it's allowed for any char in range 0x20..0x2F).

First line in the file can be the "control" line: it specifies what chars are "word chars" for the used syntax.For example, if word chars are minus, dot, and # sign, the control line should be:

  1. #chars .-#