
Command Ctrl+Space shows auto-completion listbox for file, if app has autocompletion file for current lexer.Such files exist for many lexers: they are in dir "data/autocomplete", and additional lexers may have such files.

Example for PHP lexer:


Lexer HTML is handled specially, its completion listbox has 3 modes:

  • caret is on tag (opening/closing): list of tags is shown
  • caret is after tag on attribute place, before "=": list if attributes for found tag is shown
  • caret is after tag, after attribute, after "=": list of values for found attribute is shown


Lexer CSS is handled specially too, its listbox has 2 modes:

  • caret is on property name: list of properties is shown
  • caret is after property name and ":": list of values is shown
