Minimap, Micromap

Minimap is wide vertical bar near editor's right (default) or left side. To show it, set option "minimap_show", or use menu item "View / Toggle minimap".If you drag mouse over minimap, editor will scroll entirely from top to bottom, even for huge files (it's made like in Sublime).Text in minimap is painted by 1-2 pixels per char, not by font rendering, so scale of minimap cannot change.

Micromap is thin (about 12 pixels) vertical bar near editor's right side (near vert scrollbar). To show it, set option "micromap_show".

Colored marks on micromap:

  • wide+tall mark: current visible area of editor
  • on left side: line-states marks (3 states: line changed, line added, line saved)
  • on right side: marks for selections (made e.g. by "Find/ Select all", usually blue)
  • on right side: marks from Spell Checker plugin (usually red)