influx - InfluxDB command line interface

The influx command line interface (CLI) includes commands to manage many aspects of InfluxDB, including databases, organizations, users, and tasks.


  1. influx [flags]


-versionDisplay the version and exit
-url-prefixPath to add to the URL after the host and port. Specifies a custom endpoint to connect to.
-hostHTTP address of InfluxDB (default: http://localhost:8086)
-portPort to connect to
-socketUnix socket to connect to
-databaseDatabase to connect to the server
-passwordPassword to connect to the server. Leaving blank will prompt for password (—password ‘’).
-usernameUsername to connect to the server
-sslUse https for requests
-unsafesslSet this when connecting to the cluster using https
-executeExecute command and quit
-typeSpecify the query language for executing commands or when invoking the REPL.
-formatSpecify the format of the server responses: json, csv, or column
-precisionSpecify the format of the timestamp: rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns
-consistencySet write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all
-prettyTurns on pretty print for JSON format
-importImport a previous database export from file
-ppsPoints per second the import will allow. The default is 0 and will not throttle importing.
-pathPath to file to import
-compressedSet to true if the import file is compressed