Write data with the influx CLI

To write data from the command line, use the influx write command. Include the following in your command:

RequirementInclude by
OrganizationUse the -o,—org, or —org-id flags.
BucketUse the -b, —bucket, or —bucket-id flags.
PrecisionUse the -p, —precision flag.
API tokenSet the INFLUX_TOKEN environment variable or use the t, —token flag.
DataWrite data using line protocol or annotated CSV. Pass a file with the -f, —file flag.

See Line protocol and Annotated CSV

Example influx write commands

Write a single line of line protocol
  1. influx write \
  2. -b bucketName \
  3. -o orgName \
  4. -p s \
  5. 'myMeasurement,host=myHost testField="testData" 1556896326'
Write line protocol from a file
  1. influx write \
  2. -b bucketName \
  3. -o orgName \
  4. -p s \
  5. --format=lp
  6. -f /path/to/line-protocol.txt
Write annotated CSV from a file
  1. influx write \
  2. -b bucketName \
  3. -o orgName \
  4. -p s \
  5. --format=csv
  6. -f /path/to/data.csv