influxd inspect dump-wal

The influxd inspect dump-wal command outputs data from Write Ahead Log (WAL) files for debugging purposes. Given at least one WAL file path as an argument, the tool parses and prints out the entries in each file.


  1. influxd inspect dump-wal [flags]

Output details

The --find-duplicates flag determines the influxd inspect dump-wal output.

Without --find-duplicates, the command outputs the following for each file:

  • The file name
  • For each entry in a file: - The type of the entry ([write] or [delete-bucket-range]) - The formatted entry contents

With --find-duplicates, the command outputs the following for each file):

  • The file name
  • A list of keys with timestamps in the wrong order


—find-duplicatesIgnore dumping entries; only report keys in the WAL that are out of order.
-h—helpHelp for the dump-wal command.