Manage tasks in InfluxDB

InfluxDB provides two options for managing the creation, reading, updating, and deletion (CRUD) of tasks - through the InfluxDB user interface (UI) or using the influx command line interface (CLI). Both tools can perform all task CRUD operations.

Create a task

Create a data processing task in InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI.

View tasks

View existing data processing tasks using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI.

Run a task

Run a data processing task using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI.

View task run history and logs

View task run histories and logs using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI.

Update a task

Update a data processing task in InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI.

Export a task

Export a data processing task from InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI.

Delete a task

Delete a task from InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI.