influx completion

  • influx CLI 2.0.0+
  • InfluxDB 2.0.0+

The influx completion command outputs influx shell completion scripts for a specified shell (bash or zsh).


  1. influx completion [bash|zsh] [flags]


-h—helpHelp for the completion command

Install completion scripts

Add the appropriate installation command below to your .bashrc or .zshrc.

Completion snippets in .bashrc or .zshrc

bash zsh

  1. # macOS
  2. $ source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d
  3. $ source <(influx completion bash)
  4. # Ubuntu
  5. $ source /etc/bash_completion.d
  6. $ source <(influx completion bash)
  1. # macOS
  2. $ source <(influx completion zsh)
  3. # Ubuntu
  4. $ source <(influx completion zsh)