Squared checkbox

Сheckbox supports disabled and checked attributes

  1. <div class="abc-checkbox abc-checkbox-primary">
  2. <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox">
  3. <label for="checkbox1">
  4. <span class="abc-label-text">Subscribe to newsletter</span>
  5. </label>
  6. </div>
Simply add abc-checkbox abc-checkbox-primary classes to checkbox container and abc-label-text class to label.

Rounded checkbox

  1. <div class="abc-checkbox abc-checkbox-primary abc-checkbox-circle">
  2. <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox">
  3. <label for="checkbox1">
  4. <span class="abc-label-text">Subscribe to newsletter</span>
  5. </label>
  6. </div>
Simply add abc-checkbox abc-checkbox-primary abc-checkbox-circle classes to checkbox container and abc-label-text class to label.

Find DEMOs here!