Component, that helps to navigate between application pages and shows application structure.

    Breadcrumbs is composed of 2 components:

    1. <app-breadcrumbs :breadcrumbs=""/>


    • breadcrumbs - Object - app configuration object.
      Breadcrumbs object contains two properties: root - default breadcrumbs state, routes - other possible states.

    Each breadcrumbs state is an object with following properties:

    • path: String - name of route
    • displayName: String - name, which shows in app
    • disabled: Boolean - possibility to click on displayed name in order to redirect to other page
    • children: Array - states, that depend on current state
    1. <vuestic-breadcrumbs :breadcrumbs="" :current-path=""/>


    • breadcrumbs - Object - pre-transformed configuration object.
    • current-path - String - default route path.