1. <va-icon
    2. large
    3. icon="iconicstroke iconicstroke-info"
    4. color="info"
    5. />
    7. <va-icon
    8. icon="glyphicon glyphicon-glass"
    9. fixed-width :rotation="45"
    10. />
    12. <va-icon
    13. icon="glyphicon glyphicon-glass"
    14. color="danger" :size="60"
    15. />


    • icon - String - use this property to set the class of icon from chosen iconset (f.e. Font Awesome, Maki, Entypo, etc.)
    • small - Boolean - use v-bind:small="true" to set small size of icon
    • large - Boolean - use v-bind:large="true" to set large size of icon
    • size - String | Number - use this property to set your own size of icon
    • fixedWidth - Boolean - use this property to set the vertical alignment to the icon
    • rotation - String | Number - use this property to set the rotation degree for icon
    • color - String (default: 'success') - use this property to set the color of the icon. We can choose one color from a set of theme colors (primary, secondary, info, error, warning)
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