1. <vuestic-wizard
    2. :steps="vrSteps"
    3. wizard-layout="vertical"
    4. wizard-type="rich">
    6. <div slot="page1" class="form-wizard-tab-content">
    7. <p>Add Page 1 content here!</p>
    8. </div>
    9. <div slot="page2" class="form-wizard-tab-content">
    10. <p>Add Page 2 content here!</p>
    11. </div>
    12. <div slot="wizardCompleted" class="form-wizard-tab-content">
    13. <h4>Add slot="wizardCompleted" to your wizard's last step,
    14. to show this step after wizard completed!</h4>
    15. </div>
    16. </vuestic-wizard>
    18. <script>
    19. data () {
    20. return {
    21. // how your steps should look like:
    22. vrSteps: [
    23. {
    24. label: 'Step 1. Name',
    25. slot: 'page1', // the same name as in attribute "slot" of wizard's step
    26. onNext: () => {
    27. // method is called when moving to the next step
    28. },
    29. isValid: () => {
    30. // condition for moving to the next step
    31. return true;
    32. }
    33. },
    34. {
    35. label: 'Step 2. Country',
    36. slot: 'page2', // the same name as in attribute "slot" of wizard's step
    37. onNext: () => {
    38. // method is called when moving to the next step
    39. },
    40. isValid: () => {
    41. // condition for moving to the next step
    42. return true;
    43. },
    44. onBack: () => {
    45. // method is called when moving to the previous step
    46. },
    47. }
    48. ]
    49. }
    50. }
    51. </script>


    • steps - Array - array of your steps
    • wizard-layout - String ("vertical" | "horizontal", default: "horizontal") - position of your wizard relatively to container
    • wizard-type - String ("rich" | "simple", default: "simple") - "rich" will enhance beauty of your wizard

    • Validation rules: https://baianat.github.io/vee-validate/guide/rules.html
      Component Examples (with validation)

    1. <vuestic-checkbox
    2. name="hsCheckbox"
    3. required
    4. v-validate="'required'"
    5. :label="$t('forms.controls.unselected')"
    6. v-model="checkbox.unselected"
    7. />
    9. <vuestic-radio-button
    10. name="hsRadio"
    11. required
    12. v-validate="'included: 1'"
    13. v-model="radioSelectedOption"
    14. label="1"
    15. />
    17. <vuestic-switch
    18. v-model="isOk"
    19. name="hsSwitch"
    20. required
    21. v-validate="'required'"
    22. >
    23. <span slot="trueTitle">Yes</span>
    24. <span slot="falseTitle">No</span>
    25. </vuestic-switch>

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