
  1. <va-chip
  2. icon="brandico brandico-facebook"
  3. icon-right="iconicstroke iconicstroke-info"
  4. >
  5. Plus chip
  6. </va-chip>


  • value - Boolean - controls chip visibility.
  • outline - Boolean.
  • color - String (default: 'success') - use this property to set the color of the chip. We can choose one color from a set of theme colors (primary, secondary, info, error, warning).
  • small - Boolean.
  • icon - String - insert icon with defined class from the left side of the chip.
  • iconRight - String - insert icon with defined class from the right side of the chip


Small chip with possibility to set color.

  1. <va-badge
  2. outline
  3. color="warning"
  4. >
  5. On Hold
  6. </va-badge>


  • color - String (default: 'success') - use this property to set the color of the badge. We can choose one color from a set of theme colors (primary, secondary, info, error, warning).
  • outline - Boolean.


Normal closeable outline chip with possibility to set color.

  1. <va-tag
  2. v-model="isCloseableTagVisible"
  3. closeable
  4. >
  5. Tag
  6. </va-tag>
  1. export default {
  2. data () {
  3. return {
  4. isCloseableTagVisible: true
  5. }
  6. }
  7. }


  • value - Boolean - controls tag visibility.
  • color - String (default: 'success') - use this property to set the color of the tag. We can choose one color from a set of theme colors (primary, secondary, info, error, warning).
  • closeable - Boolean.
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