ArangoDB Server Foxx Options

Foxx queues

enable or disable the Foxx queues feature—foxx.queues flag

If true, the Foxx queues will be available and jobs in the queues willbe executed asynchronously.

The default is true.When set to false the queue manager will be disabled and any jobsare prevented from being processed, which may reduce CPU load a bit.

Foxx queues poll interval

poll interval for Foxx queues—foxx.queues-poll-interval value

The poll interval for the Foxx queues manager. The value is specified inseconds. Lower values will mean more immediate and more frequent Foxxqueue job execution, but will make the queue thread wake up and query thequeues more often. When set to a low value, the queue thread might causeCPU load.

The default is 1 second. If Foxx queues are not used much, then thisvalue may be increased to make the queues thread wake up less.