Managing Users in the Web Interface

ArangoDB users are globally stored in the system database and can only bemananged while logged on to this database. There you can find the _Users section:



Select a user to bring up the General tab with the username, name and activestatus, as well as options to delete the user or change the password.

User General


Select a user and go to the Permissions tab. You will see a list of databasesand their corresponding database access level for that user.

User Permissions

Please note that server access level follows from the access level onthe database _system. Furthermore, the default database access levelfor this user appear in the artificial row with the database name *.

Below this table is another one for the collection category accesslevels. At first, it shows the list of databases, too. If you click on adatabase, the list of collections in that database will be open and youcan see the defined collection access levels for each collection of thatdatabase (which can be all unselected which means that nothing isexplicitly set). The default access levels for this user and databaseappear in the artificial row with the collection name *.

Also see Managing Users about access levels.