Arangosh Options

Usage: arangosh [<options>]


check-configurationbooleanCheck the configuration and exitThis is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.Default: false
configstringThe configuration file or ‘none’Default: ""
configurationstringThe configuration file or ‘none’Default: ""
default-languagestringIso-639 language codeDefault: ""
definestring…Define key=value for a @key@ entry in config fileDefault: []
dump-dependenciesbooleanDump dependency graphThis is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.Default: false
dump-optionsbooleanDump configuration options in json formatThis is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.Default: true
jslintstring…Do not start as shell, run jslint insteadDefault: []
logstring…The global or topic-specific log levelDefault: ["info"]Deprecated in: v3.5.0
quietbooleanSilent startupThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
versionbooleanReports the version and exitsThis is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.Default: false


console.audit-filestringAudit log file to save commands and resultsDefault: "" auto completionThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: true
console.colorsbooleanEnable color supportThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
console.historybooleanWhether or not to load and persist command-line historyThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: trueIntroduced in: v3.4.5, v3.5.0
console.pagerbooleanEnable pagingThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
console.pager-commandstringPager commandDefault: "less -X -R -F -L"
console.pretty-printbooleanEnable pretty printingThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: true
console.promptstringPrompt used in repl. prompt components are: ‘%t’: current time as timestamp, ‘%p’: duration of last command in seconds, ‘%d’: name of current database, ‘%e’: current endpoint, ‘%e’: current endpoint without protocol, ‘%u’: current userDefault: "%E@%d> "


encryption.key-generatorstring_Enterprise Edition only_Program providing the encryption key on stdout. if set, encryption will be enabled.Default: ""
encryption.keyfilestring_Enterprise Edition only_File containing the encryption key. if set, encryption will be enabled.Default: ""


javascript.allow-external-process-controlbooleanAllow execution and control of external processes from within javascript actionsThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: trueIntroduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.allow-port-testingbooleanAllow testing of ports from within javascript actionsThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: trueIntroduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.check-syntaxstring…Syntax check code javascript code from fileDefault: []
javascript.client-modulestringClient module to use at startupDefault: "client.js"
javascript.copy-directorystringTarget directory to copy files from ‘javascript.startup-directory’ into (only used when —javascript.copy-installation is enabled)Default: ""
javascript.copy-installationbooleanCopy contents of ‘javascript.startup-directory’This option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
javascript.current-module-directorybooleanAdd current directory to module pathThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: true
javascript.endpoints-blackliststring…Endpoints that cannot be connected to via @arangodb/request module in javascript actions if not whitelistedDefault: []Introduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.endpoints-whiteliststring…Endpoints that can be connected to via @arangodb/request module in javascript actionsDefault: []Introduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.environment-variables-blackliststring…Environment variables that will be inaccessible in javascript if not whitelistedDefault: []Introduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.environment-variables-whiteliststring…Environment variables that will be accessible in javascriptDefault: []Introduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.executestring…Execute javascript code from fileDefault: []
javascript.execute-stringstring…Execute javascript code from stringDefault: []
javascript.files-whiteliststring…Filesystem paths that will be accessible from within javascript actionsDefault: []Introduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.gc-intervaluint64Request-based garbage collection interval (each command)Default: 50
javascript.hardenbooleanDisables access to javascript functions in the internal module: getpid() and loglevel()This option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: falseIntroduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.module-directorystring…Additional paths containing javascript modulesDefault: ["./enterprise/js"]
javascript.startup-directorystringStartup paths containing the javascript filesDefault: "./js"
javascript.startup-options-blackliststring…Startup options whose names match this regular expression will not be exposed (if not whitelisted) to javascript actionsDefault: []Introduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.startup-options-whiteliststring…Startup options whose names match this regular expression will be whitelisted and exposed to javascriptDefault: []Introduced in: v3.5.0
javascript.unit-test-filterstringFilter testcases in suiteDefault: ""
javascript.unit-testsstring…Do not start as shell, run unit tests insteadDefault: []
javascript.v8-max-heapuint64Maximal heap size (in mb)Default: 3072
javascript.v8-optionsstring…Options to pass to v8Default: []


log.colorbooleanUse colors for tty loggingThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: true
log.escapebooleanEscape characters when loggingThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: true
log.filestringShortcut for ‘—log.output file://'Default: &#34;-&#34;
log.file-groupstringGroup to use for new log file, user must be a member of this groupDefault: ""Introduced in: v3.4.5, v3.5.0
log.file-modestringMode to use for new log file, umask will be applied as wellDefault: ""Introduced in: v3.4.5, v3.5.0
log.force-directbooleanDo not start a seperate thread for loggingThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
log.foreground-ttybooleanAlso log to tty if backgroundedThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
log.idsbooleanLog unique message idsThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: trueIntroduced in: v3.5.0
log.keep-logrotatebooleanKeep the old log file after receiving a sighupThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
log.levelstring…The global or topic-specific log levelDefault: ["info"]
log.line-numberbooleanAppend line number and file nameThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
log.outputstring…Log destination(s)Default: []
log.performancebooleanShortcut for ‘—log.level performance=trace’This option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: falseDeprecated in: v3.5.0
log.prefixstringPrefix log message with this stringDefault: ""
log.request-parametersbooleanInclude full urls and http request parameters in trace logsThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: true
log.rolebooleanLog server roleThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
log.shorten-filenamesbooleanShorten filenames in log output (use with —log.line-number)This option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: true
log.threadbooleanShow thread identifier in log messageThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
log.thread-namebooleanShow thread name in log messageThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
log.time-formatstringTime format to use in logsDefault: "utc-datestring"Possible values: “local-datestring”, “timestamp”, “timestamp-micros”, “timestamp-millis”, “uptime”, “uptime-micros”, “uptime-millis”, “utc-datestring”, “utc-datestring-millis”Introduced in: v3.5.0
log.use-local-timebooleanUse local timezone instead of utcThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: falseDeprecated in: v3.5.0
log.use-microtimebooleanUse microtime insteadThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: falseDeprecated in: v3.5.0


random.generatoruint32Random number generator to use (1 = mersenne, 2 = random, 3 = urandom, 4 = combined (not for windows), 5 = wincrypt (windows only)Default: 1Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4


server.ask-jwt-secretbooleanIf this option is specified, the user will be prompted for a jwt secret. this option is not compatible with —server.username or —server.password. if specified, it will be used for all connections - even when a new connection to another server is createdThis option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
server.authenticationbooleanRequire authentication credentials when connecting (does not affect the server-side authentication settings)This option can be specified without value to enable it.Default: false
server.connection-timeoutdoubleConnection timeout in secondsDefault: 5
server.databasestringDatabase name to use when connectingDefault: "_system"
server.endpointstringEndpoint to connect to. use ‘none’ to start without a server. use http+ssl:// or vst+ssl:// as schema to connect to an ssl-secured server endpoint, otherwise http+tcp://, vst+tcp:// or unix://Default: "http+tcp://"
server.jwt-secret-keyfilestringIf this option is specified, the jwt secret will be loaded from the given file. this option is not compatible with —server.ask-jwt-secret, —server.username or —server.password. if specified, it will be used for all connections - even when a new connection to another server is createdDefault: ""
server.max-packet-sizeuint64Maximum packet size (in bytes) for client/server communicationDefault: 1073741824
server.passwordstringPassword to use when connecting. if not specified and authentication is required, the user will be prompted for a passwordDefault: ""
server.request-timeoutdoubleRequest timeout in secondsDefault: 1200
server.usernamestringUsername to use when connectingDefault: "root"


ssl.protocoluint64Ssl protocol (1 = sslv2 (unsupported), 2 = sslv2 or sslv3 (negotiated), 3 = sslv3, 4 = tlsv1, 5 = tlsv1.2)Default: 5Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


temp.pathstringPath for temporary filesDefault: ""