ArangoDB Production Checklist

The following checklist can help to understand if important stepshave been performed on your production system before you go live:

  • Executed the OS optimization scripts (if you run ArangoDB on Linux).See Installing ArangoDB on Linux for details.
  • OS monitoring is in place(most common metrics, e.g. disk, CPU, RAM utilization).
  • Disk space monitoring is in place(only if you use the RocksDB storage engine).
  • The user root is not used to run any ArangoDB processes(if you run ArangoDB on Linux).
  • The arangod (server) process and the arangodb (Starter) process(if in use) have some form of logging enabled and you can easilylocate and inspect them.
  • If you use the Starter to deploy, you stopped - and disabledautomated start of - the ArangoDB Single Instance, e.g. on Ubuntu:
  1. service arangodb3 stop
  2. update-rc.d -f arangodb3 remove

On Windows in a command prompt with elevated rights:

  1. sc config arangodb start= disabled
  2. sc stop arangodb
  • If you have deployed a Cluster (and/or are using DC2DC) the replication factor of your collections is set to a value equalor higher than 2 (so that you have minimaldata redundancy in place).