Version 3.3.2

Released on 2019/04/17.


If you are upgrading a cluster, you must be running CrateDB 2.0.4 or higher before you upgrade to 3.3.2.

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest 3.2 release before moving to 3.3.2.

If you want to perform a rolling upgrade, your current CrateDB version number must be at least Version 3.3.0. Any upgrade from a version prior to this will require a full restart upgrade.

When restarting, CrateDB will migrate indexes to a newer format. Depending on the amount of data, this may delay node start-up time.

Please consult the Upgrade Notes before upgrading.


Tables that were created prior to upgrading to CrateDB 2.x will not function with 3.3 and must be recreated before moving to 3.3.x.

You can recreate tables using COPY TO and COPY FROM while running a 2.x release into a new table, or by inserting the data into a new table.

Before upgrading, you should back up your data.



  • Fixed the processing of LIMIT clauses within queries in the INSERT INTO statement. A query like INSERT INTO target (SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM source LIMIT 10) t) could insert more than 10 rows if there is more than 1 node in the cluster. In addition, using LIMIT in the top level query of the INSERT INTO statement is now no longer prohibited. So the query can be written as follows: INSERT INTO target (SELECT * FROM source LIMIT 10).

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the wrong evaluation of nested subqueries in cases where the inner subquery returns a multi-value and the outer returns a single value result. For instance, the assignment subquery expression in the following update statement UPDATE t1 SET x = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2 WHERE x IN (SELECT x FROM t3))") might have produced an incorrect result.