Version 3.1.6

Released on 2019/02/05.


If you are upgrading a cluster, you must be running CrateDB 2.0.4 or higher before you upgrade to 3.1.6.

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest 3.0 release before moving to 3.1.6.

If you want to perform a rolling upgrade, your current CrateDB version number must be at least Version 3.1.1. Any upgrade from a version prior to this will require a full restart upgrade.


Tables that were created prior to upgrading to CrateDB 2.x will not function with 3.1 and must be recreated before moving to 3.1.x.

You can recreate tables using COPY TO and COPY FROM while running a 2.x release into a new table, or by inserting the data into a new table.

Before upgrading, you should back up your data.



  • Fixed a performance regression on UPDATE and DELETE operations.

  • Fixed a performance regression when inserting data using unnest().

  • Fixed an issue where an ordered query with a specified limit that was much larger than the available rows would result in OutOfMemoryError even though the number of available rows could fit in memory.

  • Fixed a NullPointerException that occurs on OUTER joins which can be rewritten to INNER joins and uses a function as a select item.