Version 4.1.3

Released on 2020-03-05.


If you are upgrading a cluster, you must be running CrateDB 4.0.2 or higher before you upgrade to 4.1.3.

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest 4.0 release before moving to 4.1.3.

A rolling upgrade to 4.1.3 from 4.0.2+ is supported.

Before upgrading, you should back up your data.

See the Version 4.1.0 release notes for a full list of changes in the 4.1 series.


  • Fixed an issue that led to more than one expression in the form <literalValue> AS <alias> to be interpreted as the same column if all <literalValue> expressions are equal.

  • Fixed an issue that led to a NullPointerException when using GROUP BY on a nested partition column.

  • Fixed an issue that led to an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if using ON CONFLICT (...) UPDATE SET in an INSERT statement.

  • Fixed an issue that could lead to a Values less than -1 bytes are not supported error if one or more CrateDB nodes have insufficient disk space available.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause COPY FROM statements that used a HTTPS source using a Let’s Encrypt certificate to fail.

  • Fixed an issue that caused RTRIM to behave like LRTRIM.