Version 2.3.0

Released on 2017/12/22.


If you are upgrading a cluster, you must be running CrateDB Version 1.1.3 or higher before you upgrade to 2.3.0.

You cannot perform a rolling upgrade to this version. Any upgrade to this version will require a full restart upgrade.


Before upgrading, you should back up your data.


Breaking Changes

  • Certain metrics in the sys.nodes table have been deprecated and now always return -1, except network metrics with still return 0 as previously when Sigar was not available.

    The affected metrics are: network metrics, read/write filesystem metrics for individual disks, system/user/idle/stolen values for CPU, and system/user values for process CPU.

    This is due to the removal of the “Sigar” library dependency.

  • The default value of the setting auth.host_based.enabled (false) is overwritten with true in the crate.yml that is shipped with the tarball and Linux distributions of CrateDB and also contains a sane default configuration for auth.host_based.config.

    This is done in order to provide a better default installation for new users without breaking exising HBA configurations.

    An implication of these settings is that whenever Enterprise is enabled (default behaviour) connections from remote hosts always require password authentication. Note, that when running CrateDB in Docker, the host of the Docker container is also considered a remote host.

  • Columns aren’t implicitly cast to a type anymore. Whenever columns are compared to Literals (e.g. ‘string’, 1, 1.2), these literals will be converted to the column type but not vice-versa. The column can still be manually cast to a type by using a cast function.

  • Table information_schema.table_constraints is now returning constraint_name as type string instead of type array. Constraint type PRIMARY_KEY has been changed to PRIMARY KEY. Also PRIMARY KEY constraint is not returned when not explicitly defined.

  • Scalar functions are resolved more strictly based on the argument types. This means that built-in functions with the same name as user-defined functions will always “hide” the latter, even if the UDF has a different set of arguments. Using the same name as a built-in function for a user defined function is considered bad practice.


  • Added the hyperloglog_distinct aggregation function. This feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

  • Added a os['cpu']['used'] column to the sys.nodes table. This replaces the deprecated system/user/idle/stolen values.

  • Added a cgroup object column to the sys.nodes table. This column contains cgroup information which is relevant when running CrateDB inside a containers.

  • Subqueries which filter on primary key columns now have the same realtime semantics as the equivalent top-level queries.

  • Added support for disabling the column store for STRING columns on table creation and when adding columns. In conjunction with disabling indexing on that columns, this will support storing strings greater than 32kb. Be aware, that the performance of aggregations, groupings and sorting on such columns will decrease.

  • Added support for ORDER BY, GROUP BY and global aggregates on columns with disabled indexing (INDEX OFF).

  • Added support for scalar subqueries in DELETE and UPDATE statements.

  • Added UNION ALL operator to produce the combined result of two or more queries, e.g.:

    1. SELECT id FROM t1
    2. UNION ALL
    3. SELECT id FROM t2
  • Added the “password” authentication method which is available for connections via the PostgreSQL wire protocol and HTTP. This method allows clients to authenticate using a valid database user and its password. For HTTP, the X-User header, used to provide a username, has been deprecated in favour of the standard HTTP Authorization header with the Basic Authentication Scheme.

  • Added a WITH clause to CREATE USER statement to specify user properties upon creation. The single property available right now is the password property which can be used for “password” authentication.

    The passwords of existing users can be changed using the ALTER USER statement.

    Note that user passwords are never stored in clear-text inside CrateDB!

  • The “address” field of the auth.host_based.config setting allows the special _local_ identifier additionally to IP and CIDR notation. _local_ matches both IPv4 and IPv6 connections from localhost.

  • Table information_schema.key_column_usage is now populated with primary key information of user generated tables.

  • Table information_schema.table_constraints is now also returning the NOT_NULL constraint.

  • Added new cluster setting routing.rebalance.enable that allows to enable or disable shard rebalancing on the cluster.

  • Added support to manually control the allocation of shards using ALTER TABLE REROUTE. Supported reroute-options are: MOVE, ALLOCATE REPLICA, and CANCEL.

  • Added support to manually retry the allocation of shards that failed to allocate using ALTER CLUSTER REROUTE RETRY FAILED.

  • Added new table setting allocation.max_retries that defines the number of attempts to allocate a shard before giving up and leaving it unallocated.

  • Added new system table sys.allocations which lists shards and their allocation state including the reasoning why they are in a certain state.

  • Function arguments are now linked to each other, where possible. This enables type inference between arguments such that arguments can be converted to match a function’s signature. For example, coalesce(integer, long) would have resulted in an “unknown function” message. We now convert this call into coalesce(long, long). The conversion is possible through a type precedence list and convertibility checks on the data types.

  • Functions which accept regular expression flags now throw an error when invalid flags are provided.

  • Clients using the PostgreSQL wire protocol will now receive an additional crate_version ParameterStatus message when establishing a connection. This can be used to identify the server as CrateDB.

  • Added the typtype column to pg_catalog.pg_type for better compatibility with certain PostgreSQL client libraries.

  • Added the pg_backend_pid() function for enhanced PostgreSQL compatibility.

  • Added support for the PSQL ParameterDescription message which allows to get the parameter types in prepared statements up front without specifying the actual arguments first. This fixes compatibility issues with some drivers. This works for the most common use cases except for DDL statements.

  • Upgraded Elasticsearch to version 5.6.3.

  • Updated the CrateDB command line shell (Crash) to version 0.23.0, which added support for password authentication and pasting multiple statements at once.

  • Update the Admin UI to use new CPU metrics for its graphs.

  • Hadoop2 dependencies for the HDFS repository plugin have been upgraded to version 2.8.1.