Version 2.2.6

Released on 2018/01/17.


If you are upgrading a cluster, you must be running CrateDB Version 1.1.3 or higher before you upgrade to 2.2.6.

If you want to perform a rolling upgrade, your current CrateDB version number must be Version 2.2.0. If you want to upgrade from a version prior to this, the upgrade will introduce all of the breaking changes listed for Version 2.2.0, and will require a full restart upgrade.


Before upgrading, you should back up your data.



  • Fixed a race condition that caused DELETE or UPDATE statements to result in an error if a shard was being relocated or in a RECOVERY state.

  • Improved error message when using the DISTINCT clause on unsupported data types. Also improved documentation to note the data type restriction.

  • Fix log verbosity by only logging the HTTP SSL enabled/disabled message once at startup.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause INSERT INTO statements into partitioned tables to not work correctly. This only occurred if a query instead of the VALUES clause was used.

  • Fixed the evaluation of JavaScript user-defined functions that caused CrateDB to crash because of an unhandled assertion when providing the UDF with EcmaScript 6 arrow function syntax (var f = (x) => x;).

  • Fixed an issue where batch operations executed using the PosgreSQL wire protocol returned 0 as row count, even though the actual row count was different.

  • Fixed a bug which could cause job entries in not being removed when a connection error occurred while sending the results of the job execution to the client.

  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect results for queries with joins on more than 2 tables with implicit join conditions using the ON clause and where LIMIT is applied. E.g.

    1. SELECT * from t1
    2. INNER JOIN t2 on =
    3. INNER JOIN t3 on =
    4. LIMIT 100
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an ALTER TABLE statement to fail with an exception on partitioned tables created with CrateDB < 1.2.

  • Enforce validation of column constraints for INSERT statements with a subquery as source and in combination with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an error to be thrown when using GROUP BY or DISTINCT on a column of type IP in case there are rows with null values for that column.