2.1 Installation Requirements

Before installing Grails 4.0.0 you will need as a minimum a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed version 1.8 or above. Download the appropriate JDK for your operating system, run the installer, and then set up an environment variable called JAVA_HOME pointing to the location of this installation.

To automate the installation of Grails we recommend SDKMAN which greatly simplifies installing and managing multiple Grails versions.

On some platforms (for example OS X) the Java installation is automatically detected. However in many cases you will want to manually configure the location of Java. For example, if you’re using bash or another variant of the Bourne Shell:

  1. export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
  2. export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
On Windows you would have to configure these environment variables in My Computer/Advanced/Environment Variables