10.8 The AngularJS Profile

Since Grails 3.1, Grails supports a profile for creating applications with AngularJS that provides a more focused set of dependencies and commands. The angular profile inherits from the REST profile and therefore has all of the commands and properties that the REST profile has.

To get started with the AngularJS profile, create an application specifying angularjs as the name of the profile:

  1. $ grails create-app my-api --profile angularjs

This will create a new Grails application that provides the following features:

  • Default set of commands for creating AngularJS artefacts

  • Gradle plugin to manage client side dependencies

  • Gradle plugin to execute client side unit tests

  • Asset Pipeline plugins to ease development

By default the AngularJS profile includes GSP support in order to render the index page. This is necessary because the profile is designed around asset pipeline.

The new commands are:

  • create-ng-component

  • create-ng-controller

  • create-ng-directive

  • create-ng-domain

  • create-ng-module

  • create-ng-service

Project structure

The AngularJS profile is designed around a specific project structure. The create-ng commands will automatically create modules where they do not exist.


  1. $ grails create-ng-controller foo

This will produce a fooController.js file in grails-app/assets/javascripts/${default package name}/controllers.

By default the angularjs profile will create files in the javascripts directory. You can change that behavior in your configuration with the key grails.codegen.angular.assetDir.
  1. $ grails create-ng-domain foo.bar

This will produce a Bar.js file in grails-app/assets/javascripts/foo/domains. It will also create the "foo" module if it does not already exist.

  1. $ grails create-ng-module foo.bar

This will produce a foo.bar.js file in grails-app/assets/javascripts/foo/bar. Note the naming convention for modules is different than other artefacts.

  1. $ grails create-ng-service foo.bar --type constant

This will produce a bar.js file in grails-app/assets/javascripts/foo/services. It will also create the "foo" module if it does not already exist. The create-ng-service command accepts a flag -type. The types that can be used are:

  • service

  • factory default

  • value

  • provider

  • constant

Along with the artefacts themselves, the profile will also produce a skeleton unit test file under src/test/javascripts for each create command.

Client side dependencies

The Gradle Bower Plugin is used to manage dependencies with bower. Visit the plugin documentation to learn how to use the plugin.

Unit Testing

The Gradle Karma Plugin is used to execute client side unit tests. All generated tests are written with Jasmine. Visit the plugin documentation to learn how to use the plugin.

Asset Pipeline

The AngularJS profile includes several asset pipeline plugins to make development easier.